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Europe Demands: Recognize Serbian Language

In its report adopted in early July, the CoE’s Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages referred to its long-standing recommendation that Croatian, German and Serbian, which are traditionally present in several areas of Slovenia, be recognized as traditional minority languages. The National Council of Serbs of Slovenia, the association that brings together the Serbian community in this country, told

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Фестивал „Лицидерско срце“ од 15. до 19. августа у Вишеграду, Ужицу и Златибору

Међународни дјечији фестивал фолклора „Лицидерско срце“, најављено је данас у Скупштини града Београда, ове године биће одржан од 15. до 19. августа у Ужицу, на Злтибору и у Вишеграду, под покровитељством као и предходних година председника Србије Александра Вучића. Фестивал организује Удружење грађана ЕРА из Ужица, а суорганизатори су Град Ужице, Представништво Републике Српске у…

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Agreed Protection of Serbian Language and Cyrillic Script

At today’s meeting in Belgrade with representatives of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, it was agreed to pass draft laws on the protection and use of the Serbian language and Cyrillic script by 15 September, thus introducing the same norms in Srpska and Serbia. It was agreed that draft laws should be passed by the Day of Unity, in order to organize

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Сусрети на мосту представника Зворника, Малог Зворника и грчког града Драма

На Мосту краља Александра Првог Карађорђевића, који преко Дрине повезује Зворник и Мали Зворник, данас су, у оквиру Зворничког љета, одржани традиционални сусрети представника ове двије локалне заједнице под називом „Људи и мостови“. Градоначелник Зворника Зоран Стевановић и предсједник општине Мали Зворник Зоран Јевтић, у пратњи локалних културно-умјетничких друштава, туристичких радника и суграђана, срели су…

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Great Campaign for Protection of Serb Properties in FBiH Starts fom September

Фото: РТРС

As of September, Belgrade and Banja Luka will launch a great campaign to protect properties of around 400,000 Serbs in BiH, as a perfidious plan of ownership change is being implemented, affecting the most the people in the Diaspora, unaware of what is happening in BiH. The goal is to call on Serbs abroad by way of diplomatic and consular missions of Serbia, Serb associations across the world, local media, social networks,

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Gouillon: Important to Preserve Cultural Identity of Serbs

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, stated today in Podgorica that it was important to preserve the cultural identity of Serbs, as well as to establish economic links between the diaspora and the homeland. After talks with the President of the Serbian National Council of Montenegro, Momčilo Vuksanović, Gouillon pointed out that Serbs living outside the homeland were a very important resource

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Janj Primeval Forest Declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared today the Janj primeval forest near Šipovo a natural World Heritage Site. The Janj primeval forest is among the 15 newly protected areas in six countries signatories to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage, announced the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Council of Ministers. The natural world heritage of the Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests

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Minister Klokić at Prijedor and Diaspora 2021 Conference

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, attended the conference Prijedor and the Diaspora 2021 held in Prijedor. Klokić said that Prijedor was the best example of investments from people who had returned from abroad and were very successful businessmen today. The city has a development strategy based on which it should

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Sattler: Diaspora Can Do Much More than Send Money Occasionally

The Head of the EU Delegation to BiH, Johann Sattler, stated in Prijedor that interaction of all government levels in BiH with the diaspora was sporadic and unstructured, and that half of BiH population was living in more than 50 countries of the world. – This is a huge potential because these are people with strong emotional and family ties with the homeland, and

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Vučić Received Young Athletes from Srpska, Diaspora and Kosmet

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received today young athletes from Kosovo and Metohija, Republic of Srpska and the diaspora. The young athletes are taking part in the Serbia Is Calling You 2021 camp. There are 214 boys and girls participating in the camp. Camp participants gave Vučić a T-shirt with all their signatures and a painting of old Belgrade. Source and photo: RTRS

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