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Отвара се Српски културни центар у Загребу

У Загребу ће данас свечано бити отворен Српски културни центар у присуству министра културе и медија Хрватске Нине Обулјен Коржинек ...

Савез Срба Француске успоставио чвршћу сарадњу са Французима

У организацији Савеза Срба Француске у Паризу је синоћ одржан коктел ове организације. Идеја је била да се чланови, нови ...

„Вече Озренаца“ у Брчком, присуствовао и министар Милићевић

У Брчком је одржано пето "Вече Озренаца". Завичајно удружење окупља Србе који су прије 29 година протјерани с подручја Озрена, ...

Слогом сачувати српски идентитет у вријеме глобализације

Слога, подршка и сарадња једини су начин да се сачувају српски идентитет, суверентитет и култура у контексту бројних изазова и ...

Министар Клокић на манифестацији „Дани Српске у Србији“

„Дани Српске у Србији“, током којих се Српска представила у 12 градова Србије, свечано су затворени вечерас у Зрењанину, уз ...

Srpska Days in Serbia Held in Niš, Kruševac, Požarevac and Subotica

The Mayor of Niš, Dragoslav Pavlović, received a delegation of the Republic of Srpska within the Days of Srpska in Serbia event and they discussed

Srpska Days in Serbia Begin

The twelfth Days of Srpska in Serbia organized by the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia will open officially on Friday, 20 September

Minister Klokić: We Are Sending Message of Unity

On the occasion of the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag, a big ceremony took place at the Consulate General in Munich, attended by a large

Cicović: Days of Srpska in Serbia Aim to Preserve Serbian Unity

The Days of Srpska in Serbia event aims to preserve Serbian unity, our alphabet and language, and to strengthen the relationship between our

Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag Celebrated in Vienna

The Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag was marked last evening in Vienna with a formal reception organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia and the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Austria

Serbian Unity Day Celebrated in Munich; Serbs Survived Golgotha, but Never Gave up Freedom

Yesterday at the celebration of the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag in Munich, the Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić

Unity and Flag Day in Graz

The Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore (AASF) is slowly bringing to an end the final preparations for the event that will mark the national holiday – the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag on 15 September in Graz

Serbian Days – Serbian Culture Month in Hungary Event Open

The event Serbian Days – Month of Serbian Culture in Hungary organized by the Eparchy of Buda under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad

Serbian Cultural Center in Vienna

The Vilhelmina Mina Karadžić Austrian-Serbian Cultural Society from Vienna requests the Republic of Serbia to establish a Serbian cultural center in Vienna. Svetlana

Great Importance of Serbian Culture Month for Serbian Community in Hungary, Dodik Opens Event

BiH Ambassador to Hungary Biljana Gutić Bjelica said that the event Serbian Days – Month of Serbian Culture in Hungary,

Diaspora Is Serbia’s Best Ambassador

The Unity and Strength – Serbia meeting was held in the House of the National Assembly in Belgrade last weekend. The diaspora is Serbia’s diplomatic representative

Eleventh Homeland Days Officially Open in Subotica

The Homeland Days event, which nurtures the culture and tradition of Serbs west of the Drina in Bačka, opened officially last evening in Subotica

Srpska Days in Serbia Ceremonially Open on 20 September in Belgrade

The twelfth Days of Srpska in Serbia event will open officially on 20 September at the National Theater in Belgrade, and programs from Srpska

Unity and Strength – Serbia Event Held in Belgrade, Unity is Crucial for Survival of Serbs

A two-day event under the slogan Unity and Strength – Serbia opened in Belgrade. It was said that thanks to presidents Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić the relations between the Republic of Srpska and

Unity and Strength – Serbia Event Brings Together Motherland and Diaspora

The office of the minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora is organizing the event Unity and Strength