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Милићевић у Бањалуци потписао уговоре о подршци Србије јачању српског идентитета

Министар без портфеља у Влади Србије задужен за координацију активности и мера у области односа са дијаспором Ђорђе Милићевић јуче ...

Expanding Network of Schools Abroad Teaching in Serbian Language

The Minister of Education in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Slavica Đukić Dejanović, said yesterday that continuous work was being done to develop

Diaspora Days Ceremonially Opened in Lopare

The event Lopare Days of the Diaspora 2024 was officially opened with a folklore show in Priboj. The thirteenth Diaspora Days, organized under the auspices of

Milićević Visited Osečina Summer Camp for Youth from Region and Diaspora and Požarevac Sports Camp

The minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević

Milićević Signed Agreements with Presidents of Serbian Associations from Canada, France and Romania

Đorđe Milićević, the Minister without portfolio in the Government of Serbia in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, signed

Selaković and Cicović on Serbian Culture Promotion

The Culture Minister of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, and the Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, discussed yesterday the programs

Vrhovac: We Are Working Hard on Promoting Republic of Srpska

Acting Director of the Republic of Srpska Investment Development Bank, Dražen Vrhovac, said that this Bank was working hard internationally on

Support to Strengthening Motherland-Diaspora Ties

Minister without portfolio in charge of relations with the diaspora Đorđe Milićević signed agreements yesterday with representatives of associations and non-governmental organizations

Minister Klokić on Iz Drugog Ugla Show

Minister Zlatan Klokić appeared on the show Iz drugog ugla on M Television, discussing some very important

Two Banks, One Drina 2024 Ivanjdan Dance Ensembles Assembly Opened

The minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, opened last evening in the village

Unity and Strength – Serbia Event in August in Belgrade

The event Unity and Strength – Serbia will be held on the last Sunday of August in the House of the National Assembly in Belgrade, with more than

Meeting of Republic of Srpska and Serbia Education Ministers: Concretized Cooperation Steps

The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Stojičić, spoke yesterday with the Minister of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Slavica Đukić Dejanović, about

Srpska Parliament Adopted Pan-Serbian Assembly Declaration

The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People. The Declaration

Themed Summer Camp for Diaspora Youth Opened in Zasavica

In Zasavica near Sremska Mitrovica, Minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević

Klokić-Popović: Podrinje Project Is Great Development Opportunity

Minister Zlatan Klokić met yesterday with Nenad Popović, minister without portfolio in the Government of Serbia in charge of international economic cooperation

Klokić: Improving Digitalization Sphere Benefits Citizens and Economy

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said that the line ministry would work actively on

Klokić-Milićević: Declaration Threatens No One; 9 January Still Republic Day

The Pan-Serbian Assembly and the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights of the Serbian People threaten no one and are an expression of Serbian unity,

Serbian Scientific Diaspora Gathering in Stuttgart

Serbian diaspora will gather in Stuttgart for Diaspora Meetings, an event dedicated to cooperation improvement in the fields of science, innovation and technological development,

Serbian People Strength in Their Unity and Solidarity

Serbian People Strength in Their Unity and Solidarity Minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia Đorđe Milićević attended the Conference of Umbrella Serbian National Organizations from the countries of the region held in the premises of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad

Stevandić-Kainović: Diaspora Overpleased with Serbian Uniting Processes

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, met with Ilija Kainović, M.D., a distinguished doctor from the United States, born

Serbian Diaspora Medical Conference Opened

‘Fourteen years ago, I had a wish and a dream. I knew that our diaspora had a great desire to help our country,

Klokić-Milićević: Continue Marking Significant Dates and Send Messages of Unity

Zlatan Klokić, Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, rated the cooperation with Serbia in terms of

Republic of Srpska-Republic of Serbia Governments Cooperation Memorandum to Strengthen Ties between Motherland and Diaspora Members from Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska Territory Signed in Belgrade

A memorandum of cooperation between the governments of the Republic of Srpska and the Republic Serbia for the purpose of strengthening ties of diaspora members with the Republic of Srpska and the Republic

Republic of Serbia and Srpska Joint Activities in Culture and Education

The Minister of Culture in the Republic of Serbia’s Government, Nikola Selaković, and Minister of Education Slavica Đukić Dejanović reached an agreement with the Minister of Education

Belgrade to Be Center of Serbian World on Saturday

We expect the Pan-Serbian Assembly to yield continuation of good cooperation and confirmation of our unity, said the Serb Member of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović. Cvijanović

‘Pan-Serbian Assembly to Show Unity and Sobornost’

The Pan-Serbian Assembly will be a great event and we will establish cooperation at all levels, said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. – Also, there will be

Krušedolska Zvona Gathered Serbs and Sent Message of Unity

The 18th Krajina church-people’s pan-Serbian assembly Krušedolska Zvona 2024 was held at the Krušedol Monastery on Fruška Gora. The assembly started with a liturgy

Work on Strengthening Ties with Diaspora

The Republic of Srpska and Serbia will work on strengthening ties with the diaspora and trust in institutions, and great importance is

All-Serbian Children’s Assembly – Sense of Belonging and Connecting with Peers

A concert at the Children’s Cultural Center in Belgrade marked beginning of the All-Serbian Children’s Assembly. The festival gathers children and youth of Serbian origin from

Milić Elementary School Students Come Third in Nemanjići International Quiz Competition

Seventh grade students of the Elementary School Aleksa Jakšić from Milići Elena Stjepanović, Milica Janković and Miloš Dizija won the third place