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Gouillon Received Srpska Students Studying in Serbia

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs students from the Republic of Srpska who are acquiring their academic titles in the motherland Serbia. – I enjoyed talking to them, I listened to their ideas, and confirmed the support of the Directorate for their future projects. The first project to follow will take place this weekend

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Gouillon Invited Serbs to Nurture Their Mother Language

On the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, celebrated today, the Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, invites the Serbs scattered around the world to preserve their identity by speaking Serbian with their children and enrolling them in supplementary Serbian language schools. During the past year, the Administration was particularly involved in their opening and operation.

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Tegeltija: Diaspora Interested in Cooperation with Republic of Srpska

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Zoran Tegeltija, said today in Munich that he was satisfied with the great interest of the diaspora to be actively involved in the economic and business development and life of the Republic of Srpska. – It was an honor for me to visit the Serbian church community in Munich today, to meet with the faithful and priests, and to speak about all their

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Mexico City Landmarks in Republic of Serbia Flag Colors

On the occasion of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia, in the evening of that very day, the colors of the Serbian tricolor illuminated the landmarks of Mexico City, one of the largest metropolises in the world. ‘This wonderful gesture once again confirmed the decades-long strong friendship and closeness that exists between Serbia and Mexico,’ announced the Serbian Embassy in Mexico. The event was organized in

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Niagara Falls in Serbian Flag Color

With 12,600 led light bulbs and 1,400 modulators, Niagara Falls were illuminated in the colors of the Serbian flag again this year. Owing to the successful cooperation between the two countries, Serbia and Canada, on the occasion of the Serbian Statehood Day, at 10.45 pm Canadian time, the Serbian flag illuminated the place where the first Tesla’s power plant was built. The most deserving for the realization is master of light Slobodan Marin

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Dodik: Serbs Have Two States – Srpska and Serbia

The Serb member of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, said today in Orašac that the Day of the Statehood of Serbia was seen as a joint holiday in the Republic of Srpska. – In the Republic of Srpska, we celebrate this day as our own. We look at Serbia as the motherland. Serbia gives us guarantees and refuge, Serbia is here to offer us comfort, help, encouragement, incentive, and

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Cvijanović: President Vučić, You Honor Me and Srpska

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, was awarded the Order of Serbia on the ribbon today on the occasion of Sretenje – the Day of the Statehood of Serbia. The Order was presented to the President of Srpska in Belgrade by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, at the ceremony of awarding Sretenje decorations. The President thanked Vučić for this high decoration, saying that she would wear the Order with great pride starting today. – For

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Gouillon: We Are Active in Protecting Minority Rights of Serbian People

The thirteenth Conference of Serbian National Organizations from the Countries of the Region was held at the Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, said that during the preceding year the Directorate had supported numerous projects in the fields of economy, culture and language with 44 million dinars, which were implemented by organizations of Serbs from

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Biseri Cultural and Artistic Society – Serbian Tradition Guardians in Paris

Members of the cultural and artistic society Biseri from the town of Drancy near Paris have been demonstrating for years how to preserve our tradition and folk dances far from the homeland, and love for dancing and Serbia has triumphed over the coronavirus pandemic that was preventing their gathering. The president of the Society, Goran Jablanović, told Tanjug that the cultural and artistic society

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Documentary Film Tesla Nation on US Public Broadcasting Service

The feature-length documentary Tesla Nation directed by Željko Mirković will premiere on the US public broadcasting service PBS, on Cleveland’s WVIZ World channel, on 16 February at 7 pm, to honor the Serbian Statehood Day, the producers announced. The narrator of the work and playing the role of Nikola Tesla in the feature segment is our actor who has lived in the USA for two decades –

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