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Literary Contest Srpska in the Heart

99 works from all over our republic were sent in for literary contest on the topic Srpska in the Heart organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Republic of Srpska. Eligible participants were students of secondary schools and 8th and 9th grades of elementary schools from the Republic of Srpska. Best works will be selected by Serbian language professor Biljana

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Tesla’s Battle for Young Members

The largest Serb club in Upper Austria, the Serbian sport and culture club Nikola Tesla from Linz, held a regular assembly and elected a new board of directors, headed by the president. After more than three hours of debate, Radenko Drinić, who had headed this association twice already, was unanimously elected president. Decision was made also about the

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Saint Sava Charter Presented to Emir Kusturica in Belgrade

The celebrated director Emir Kusturica was presented the Saint Sava Charter of the Serbian Educational and Cultural Society Prosvjeta Belgrade in the crypt of the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade. This recognition was awarded to Kusturica for his exceptional contribution to the development of Serbian culture and art. Prosvjeta was founded 120 years ago by Serbs in BiH, with the objective to preserve the Saint Sava tradition – language, script, church, culture and customs

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Serbian Flag Is the Prettiest in the World – Based on One Million People Poll Results

In a poll on the Ranker website which covered more than a million people, the Serbian flag was voted the prettiest in the world. On the ranking list of the fifty prettiest, the Serbian flag came first. Deacon Hajji Nenad Jovanović, one of our best heraldists, pointed out that the first flag noted in a historical source related to

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Pevulja: Serbian Language Abounds in Beautiful Words

The Serbian language abounds in beautiful words and should be nurtured, said Duško Pevulja, a Serbian literature professor at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka, as a guest on the RTRS morning program. He also spoke about the most beautiful Serbian word praskozorje (daybreak), as well as about other things related to language and script. – Praskozorje is not the most beautiful Serbian word, only

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Cicović: Tourism Economy Needs to Catch up with Global Trends

The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, said that tourism economy needed to catch up with global trends, which is why everyone in Srpska had to make full contribution in order to achieve that goal. After visiting the Republic of Srpska exhibitors at the 43rd International Tourism Fair in Belgrade, Cicović pointed out that he

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Minister Klokić for Srpskainfo: I Invite Diaspora to Join the Register, We Are Assembling for Mutually BENEFICIAL PROJECTS

The most frequent question I hear about EU projects is – how do I know which call is open!? It is precisely by feeling the pulse of the population that we have designed and created the interactive web platform EU Projects. Zlatan Klokić, the Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, said that in an interview for Srpskainfo, talking about the new site launched by

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Gouillon at UNS Media Conference: Supplementary Schools Preserve Serbian Language in Diaspora

The eleventh media conference of the diaspora and Serbs in the region was dedicated to the topic ‘Our role in preserving the Serbian linguistic and cultural identity’. The conference was organized by the Journalists’ Association of Serbia with the support of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a combined online and live format, at the premises of UNS Press Center in Belgrade.

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Prosvjeta Vienna – New President, Same Goals

On Saturday, 19 March, the ceremonial hall of the St. Sava Church in Vienna accommodated the Fifth regular electoral assembly of the Board of the Serbian Educational and Cultural Society Prosvjeta in Austria. The hall was full, all reports and plans were published and approved, work results were summarized, awards were presented, and the Management was reinvigorated. At this assembly, after more than ten years since its founding,

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Invitation to Join Diaspora Register

You live in the diaspora, but want to keep up to date with all the events from the homeland? You want to keep in touch with our people? You want to follow the work of our associations and cultural and artistic societies around the world? Join the DIASPORA REGISTER to have access to all that. It is a completely voluntary record of our associations, organizations and individuals abroad,

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