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Another Way to Bring Republic of Srpska Closer to Diaspora

There is another way to bring the Republic of Srpska closer to the diaspora! We have created an official Facebook page for the diaspora, for all those who want to keep up to date with everything that is happening in the fatherland, and concerns the people in the diaspora. For all those who know where their home is, regardless of their place of residence. Follow the

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Business Forum in Banja Luka: Diaspora Investments of Great Importance for Srpska

Connecting businessmen in the diaspora and the motherland – opportunities and challenges is the business forum held in Banja Luka last weekend. The organizer is the Association of the Motherland, Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Koreni (Roots) of Banja Luka, in cooperation with the Srpska Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of Serbian Businessmen of Switzerland. The forum said that businessmen from the diaspora and

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How to Motivate Diaspora to Invest in Srpska?

How to motivate the diaspora to invest in the Republic of Srpska? Favorable business environment with low tax rates, among other things, is one of the reasons why businessmen from developed European Union countries would decide to invest here. The task of the authorities and business community in Srpska is to retain quality workforce in order to have as many such investments as possible. This is

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Račić: Diaspora Businessmen - Important Investment Potential

The business forum Connecting Businessmen in the Diaspora and the Motherland – Opportunities and Challenges, which opened in Banja Luka, gathered more than 100 participants with the goal to attract as many businessmen from the diaspora as possible to invest in the motherland. The president of the Banja Luka Regional Chamber of Commerce, Goran Račić, said that the forum was a good opportunity

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Stevanović: Great Interest of Diaspora to Invest in Srpska

There are people in the diaspora who really want to invest in the Republic of Srpska, said the president of the Association of Serbian Businessmen of Switzerland, Stojan Stevanović, as a guest on the RTRS morning program. On the eve of the three-day gathering Meeting Friends from the Diaspora, starting in Banja Luka, Stevanović noted that this forum was one of the points for investors. – 150 people will participate in this economic forum

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Patriarch Porfirije with Preschoolers and Nemanjići Trivia Quiz Participants

The Third International Competition Nemanjići ended in Kruševac team winning and elementary school pupils from Dvorovi near Bijeljina taking second place. The elementary school teams from Banja Luka and Bijeljina ranked among the top eight. Vukovar schoolchildren were best ranked competitors from the diaspora. Today, they attended the liturgy in the Temple of Saint Sava, served by Patriarch Porfirije.

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Dvorovi Schoolchildren among the Best in Nemanjići Trivia Quiz

Schoolchildren from Dvorovi near Bijeljina demonstrated enviable knowledge of history in Čačak, at the final competition of the Nemanjići International Trivia Quiz on the topic Famous Serbs, where they took second place. Among the contestants from Serbia and Republic of Srpska in this group, the Kruševac team Nemanjina družina (Nemanja’s fellowship) took first place, while the knowledge of pupils of the Radojka Lakić Elementary School from Belgrade ranked them third.

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Serbian Supplementary School in Slovenia Opens Competition for Most Beautiful Easter Tradition

After holding a competition with great success for the first time last year, the teaching staff of the Serbian Supplementary School in Slovenia announced a new, Easter art competition 2022. This year’s competition is titled The Most Beautiful Easter Tradition. ‘This year, we will select the most beautiful illustration of an Easter tradition in the Easter Competition Facebook group (ВАСКРШЊИ КОНКУРС), where works will be posted and available for voting from 21 to 25

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Forum on Meeting Friends from Diaspora in Banja Luka This Weekend

Banja Luka will host a forum on Meeting Friends from the Diaspora this weekend. The organizer is the Association of the Motherland, Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Koreni (Roots) Banja Luka, in cooperation with the Srpska Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Serbian Businessmen from Switzerland. It is a three-day event, which will gather Serb businessmen from several European countries, Serbia and Republic of Srpska. Representatives

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Folklore Festival in Austria – Vienna SCC Stevan Mokranjac Win

The 37th Austrian Festival of Serbian Folklore was held in Schwechat near Vienna. The organizer was the Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore, whose representatives were overjoyed for being able to hold the festival after a two-year interruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 700 participants and about 3,000 visitors.

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