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Actors Presented Game for Children that Encourages Learning Serbian Language and Culture

The director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, received actors Nenad Okanović, Darko Apostolović and Bojan Ivković, who presented their project, the play Luedu - Learn, Man, which encourages learning and intellectual development of children as well as adults through fun and socializing. The questions are selected according to age and areas

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Фестивал фолклора Срба из региона одржан у онлајн формату

Шести Фестивал фолклора Срба из региона, у организацији Завичајног удружења „Сава Мркаљ” из Новог Сада, ове године је одржан у онлајн формату. Премијерним приказивањем на „Јутјуб” платформи и „Фејсбук” страници тог удружења, приказане су игре, пјесме и обичаји с Кордуна, из Лике, с Грмеча, из Црне Горе, с Косова и Метохије, из Дубичког Поткозарја, Куманова…

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Лауреатима уручене награде „Извор“

Лауреат овогодишње награде „Извор“ за најљепшу причу о завичају је Жељка Башановић Марковић из Београда, а за најљепшу пјесму о завичају Миленко Шарац из Пљеваља, саопштено је данас у Представништву Републике Српске у Србије. Марковићевој је припало признање за причу „Земља“, а Шарцу за пјесму „Сонет о одласку“. Шеф Представништва Републике Српске у Србији Млађен…

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Fraternal Serbian Houses from Podgorica and Banja Luka

A delegation of the Serbian House from Podgorica visited Banja Luka. They spoke about strengthening spiritual, national and cultural identity with the President of the Parliament, Nedeljko Čubrilović, and the President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Rajko Kuzmanović. They also visited the Republic of Srpska Writers Association. The solid foundations of the Serbian people should be an imperative for Serbs, wherever they are. The delegation from Podgorica talked with the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska about joint promotion of culture and tradition.

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Информације за стране држављане у Русији

У Санкт Петербургу је 8. децембра 2020. године одржан округли сто о питањима удобног и сигурног боравка туриста у Санкт Петербургу. Организатори оклуглог стола су Комитет за развој туризма Санкт Петербурга и Санкт Петербуршка државна буџетска институција „Градски туристичко информативни биро“. Догађај је био организован уз подршку Комитета за спољне односе Санкт Петербурга. У овом…

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Petričević and Atanasković in Belgrade: Continue Implementation of Joint Projects

The Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, Vjekoslav Petričević, and Minister of Economy of Serbia, Anđelka Atanasković, agreed in Belgrade to work intensively in the coming period to implement previously agreed projects. Petričević noted that the discussion covered projects related to Podrinje and formation of industrial zones, and added that

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RTRS to Premiere Film Guardian of Honor and Pride - Đorđe Mihailović on 1 May at 21.00

The documentary The Guardian of Honor and Pride - Đorđe Mihailović will premiere on Radio Television of the Republic of Srpska on 1 May, the day when Mihailović, who had dedicated his life to guarding the Serbian World War I military cemetery in Zeitenlik, Greece, celebrates his 93rd birthday. The film will be shown at 21.00 hrs. The 25-minute film was shot by the

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Sava: Serbian Americans are Politically Invisible in America

The Serbian community hardly participates in American political life at all and it has no understanding of how the political process works, evaluated the Advisory Board of the first political organization of Serbs in the USA, the Serbian-American Voters Alliance /SAVA/, at a webinar /internet video conference/. At the video gathering that presented the principles, mission and goals of this organization of the Serbian-American community, it was pointed out that Serbian Americans...

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Gouillon: Serbia is Truthful about Endangered Serbian Population and Churches

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arnaud Gouillon, said that the fact that Europa Nostra had included Visoki Dečani among the most endangered heritage meant that Serbia, the Eparchy of Raška and Prizren and humanitarian organizations had been telling the truth about the Serbian population and churches in Kosmet. - This means that

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