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Love for Cyrillic Filling Amphitheaters in Athens

The language, literature and culture of the Serbian people have become very popular among Greeks, whose youth is increasingly choosing to study Serbian, which, they say, is very different from Greek, and yet, on the other hand, also similar. The study of Serbian language and literature has been available to students in Greece at the National and Kapodistrian University in

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The monograph Serbian-Russian, Russian-Serbian Relations by professor of the Banja Luka Faculty of Security and Protection, Dragan Radišić, was presented today at the Russian House in Belgrade, where he pointed out that nowadays Serbia and Republic of Srpska had a safe protector in Russia, and that mutual relations had a great perspective. At the promotion, Radišić noted that when Serbs found themselves in trouble

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Herceg Fest Opened

The second Herzegovina products fair Herceg Fest was opened in Trebinje today, where 24 exhibitors from Herzegovina House presented their products. After a year’s break, the producers of indigenous Herzegovina products presented their offer. Wine, honey, cheese, garlic, herbal preparations – all on display in the center of Trebinje. The Agrarian Fund of the city of Trebinje organized the second Herceg Fest

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The first branch of Diaspora Prosvjeta was established in Vienna on 21 May 2011. After Vienna, committees were established in Zurich, Paris, Stuttgart, and the network continues to expand. From 2011 until today, Prosvjeta Vienna has been actively working to improve the position of Serbs in Austria, as well as to promote Serbian interests through numerous projects and activities.

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Serbia, Srpska and SOC Guardians of Serbian Identity

Serbia, Republic of Srpska, Serbian Orthodox Church and family are the main guardians of Serbian identity, noted a public discussion held in Belgrade which presented a collection of papers from a scientific gathering on this issue. The discussion was organized by Prosvjeta Belgrade, with the support of the Representative Office of Srpska in Serbia. There is not a single segment of Serbian social and spiritual life, which is not the target of attacks

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Cicović: Joint Marking of Holiday is Proof of Serbian Unity

The Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, said that marking the Day of the Republic of Srpska and the day of adoption of the first Constitution of Srpska was equally important in Serbia and Srpska, because those occasions showed best the level of unity of the Serbian people. – We have something to say, because you keep hearing from the highest officials

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Račić: We are Working Hard on Connecting Srpska with Russia

The Director of the Republic of Srpska Airports, Milan Račić, told Srna that priority task of this company was to integrate Banja Luka Airport into the global air traffic, and that hard work was underway on establishing connection with the Russian Federation. Račić pointed out that there was great interest in a flight that would connect the Republic of Srpska and Russia, and that Republic of Srpska Airports

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Klokić: Serbia’s Leaderhip in the Region Means Stability Also for Srpska

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, noted the importance of Serbia being a leader in the region, because that meant stability for the entire region, and thus also for the Republic of Srpska and BiH. – We know that this area was very turbulent in a past period, but if we have strong political figures

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Meeting with Director of the Museum of Byzantine Culture dr Agathoniki Tsilipakou

The Director of the Museum of Byzantine Culture, Dr Agathoniki Tsilipakou, visited the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Greece, where she met with the Head of the Office, Jelena Jovanović. During the meeting, Ms. Tsilipakou noted the cultural, artistic, historical and scientific value of the Museum of Byzantine Culture for both Thessaloniki and the region, emphasizing the rare treasures of this

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Day of Srpska and 29 Years of the Constitution Marked in Serbia

The first Constitution of the Republic of Srpska was adopted 29 years ago today. The Day of the Republic and the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of Srpska were marked by a traditional reception in Belgrade, which was organized in the form of a television show. It was broadcast on RTRS, RTS second programme and 41 local and regional televisions in Serbia. The President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, said

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