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Republic of Srpska Museum at International Forum in Russia

The Museum of the Republic of Srpska participated in the international social forum: Preserving the memory of the Second World War and the great patriotic war, announced the Museum of the Republic of Srpska. This important international forum is being held in the Russian Federation, in the city of Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan), within the program of the Days of the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia, from 3 to 7 July. Miladin Savić, the acting director of the Republic of Srpska Museum

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Meeting Point of Tradition and Innovation in Industrial Production - Zvornik in RS Municipalities and Cities Scanning Project

The project of RS municipalities and cities scanning, implemented by the eKapija business portal in cooperation with the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, continues with the presentation of economic and development potentials of Zvornik. After Trebinje, Sokolac, Gradiška, Petrovo, Milići, also Zvornik has obtained a digital, economic ID card including and presenting its infrastructure projects, but also agricultural, tourism, cultural and

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Stoilković: Saint-Savaism Defines Identity of Serbs Wherever They Live

Срби у Сјеверној Македонији и ове године ће од 25. до 27. јануара достојанствено обиљежити свој национални празник – Дан Светог Саве, јер је Светосавље оно што одређује идентитет Срба и повезује их на свим просторима на којима живе, изјавио је Срни предсједник Демократске партије Срба у Сјеверној Македонији Иван Стоилковић. Стоилковић, који је посланик…

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Serbia Allocates EUR 484 Million for Projects in Srpska

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, said today in Istočno Sarajevo that Serbia allocated EUR 484 million for projects in Srpska. – At this moment, through the projects of HPP Buk Bijela, Rača-Bijeljina motorway and Trebinje airport, Serbia is investing about EUR 500 million, specifically 484 million – said Brnabić after the joint session of the governments of the Republic of Srpska

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Serbian Uniform Exhibited in Thessaloniki Military Museum

Owing to the engagement of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office and with a generous donation of Draško Višić from Banja Luka, a uniform of a Serbian soldier from the First World War has been displayed in a Greek museum for the first time. A Serbian soldier’s uniform, a Serbian flag, and a water bottle from the First World War have been displayed for the first time in the exhibition space of the Military Museum in Thessaloniki, in the personal exhibition space of retired colonel pharmacist Vasilis Nikoltsios.

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Romanija Association Founded in Belgrade

The homeland association Romanija was founded today in Belgrade, with the goal of preserving identity, maintaining closest possible ties with the homeland, and affirming economic, cultural and all other relations between the Republic of Srpska and Serbia. The association gathers the people originally from Sokolac, Han Pjesak, Rogatica and Pale, but it is also open to others of

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Gouillon: Happy Birthday, Dear Republic of Srpska

Acting Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Arnaud Gouillon congratulated the Day of the Republic of Srpska. – Happy birthday, dear Republic of Srpska! I wish all Serbs west of the Drina a happy Day of the Republic of Srpska, and all of you celebrating the Holy Archdeacon Stephen today, a happy slava! – Gouillon wrote on Twitter.

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Customs are being preserved in the Serb returnee village Smoljana near Bosanski Petrovac. The event The First Scythe of Grmeč was held there. About thirty scythemen of various generations from Srpska, Federation of BiH and Serbia competed in five categories. The first scythe of Grmeč for the eighth time is Mirko Kecman. – The secret of good success is hard work and that I inherited scything from childhood. As

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Free Online Course of Serbian for Diaspora

Within the project Learning Serbian as a heritage language through an online group course, the Academic Serbian Association invites all the people from the Serbian diaspora, age 14 to 20, to apply (https://asasocijacija.com/prijava-ucenika-za-besplatan-grupni-kurs-srpskog-jezika-mesec-i-po-dana/) for a month and a half free group course of the Serbian language via Skype. The goal of the project sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Information is to popularize the Serbian language in

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