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Perović: Intensive Negotiations on Remaining Vaccines for Srpska

The second component of the Sputnik vaccine will arrive in Srpska by the end of July, announced the head of Srpska’s Representative Office in Moscow, Duško Perović. Perović says that the remaining vaccines have been delayed due to the mass vaccination of population in Russia, and that intensive negotiations are underway for Srpska to receive the remaining vaccines as soon as possible. – There still has not been 90 days since the dose that

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Books from Republic of Srpska from Now on in Višnjićevo and Šid Libraries

A delegation of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, led by Mlađen Cicović, the head of the Representation, visited today the municipality of Šid and libraries in Višnjićevo and Šid and delivered books by authors and publishers from the Republic of Srpska. The delegation of the Representation was welcomed in Višnjićevo by Tihomir Stamenković, the president of Šid Municipal Assembly, and Gordana Škorić, the president of the women’s association Filip Višnjić. After the delivery of the books

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Serbia Eliminated PCR Test Requirement for Residents of Countries of the Region

The Border Police was notified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia about new instructions for persons entering Serbia from countries affected by the coronavirus epidemic, which will enter into force on 14 January 2021. The citizens of BiH, Albania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro are allowed to enter Serbia without a PCR test, the BiH Border Police announced.

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Dodik: Srpska Dedicated to Fighting for Truth and Objective Approach to Facts

The idea of the Republic of Srpska must remain pure, the truth is inevitable, and Srpska is not fighting for its truth, but for an objective approach to facts, said the Serb member and Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, at the forum: Deconstructing the myths about Sarajevo coexistence and Srebrenica genocide, held in Belgrade. The event, which introduced Serbian public

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15 Scholarships in Greece for Students from Srpska

The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Greece, Jelena Jovanović, and the president of City College in Thessaloniki, Yannis Ververidis, signed today a protocol on cooperation providing for 15 scholarships for students from the Republic of Srpska at City College, York University Europe Campus. Five scholarships covering 50 percent of the tuition, are provided for undergraduate studies, master studies and MBA (MasterofBusinessadministration)

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Dodik Wished a Happy Orthodox New Year

The Serb member and Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, wished a happy Orthodox New Year 2021 to all those who celebrate this holiday according to the Julian calendar. – I wish you all a lot of health, joy and success and that the New Year brings progress and prosperity – said Dodik in his greeting.

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Film The Witness Based on Testimony of Zoran Stanković

Today (20 May 2021), the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia made official the cooperation between the Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons and pathologist Zoran Stanković on shooting of the documentary The Witness by Denis Bojić, based on Stanković’s testimony and archival material on the horrors of war in BiH. Stanković said that the director had decided

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Cvijanović Wished a Happy Orthodox New Year

On the occasion of the Orthodox New Year 2021, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, extended greetings to all citizens of the Republic of Srpska celebrating according to the Julian calendar. - I extend my sincere greetings on the occasion of the upcoming 2021 to all citizens who celebrate according to the Julian calendar. I wish for the next year to bring everyone, first of all, good health, overall progress, personal and family happiness. In the belief that 2021 will be marked by unity, stability and prosperity, I salute you cordially - says the greeting of the President.

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Cicović: Our Obligation Is to Tell Only Truth

At the forum on Deconstructing the myths about Sarajevo coexistence and Srebrenica genocide, the head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, said that there would always be people preparing new conflicts, wars and victims by presenting and placing their lies and deceptions, but that it was an obligation of the Serbian people to tell only the truth and thus contribute to reconciliation and peace.

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Mlađen Cicović, Head of Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia, Delivered Today Books from Republic of Srpska to Kikinda Library

The Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia has been donating books from Republic of Srpska publishers to libraries in Serbia for eight years. About 10,000 books have been donated so far, and today books from the Republic of Srpska were delivered to the Jovan Popović Library in Kikinda. Before that, the President of the municipality, received a delegation of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia, headed by Mlađen Cicović, head of the Representation

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