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Licider Heart Folklore Festival Held in Andrićgrad

Licider Heart folklore festival gathered participants from Moldova, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Georgia, Serbia and Republic of Srpska in Andrićgrad today. The President of the Organizing Committee of the Licider Heart festival, Goran Paunović, said that Višegrad was one of the hosts of the festival for the tenth time and pointed out that the participants were satisfied because of their good impressions. – The festival gathers a large number

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Serb Property in FBiH is Worth Tens of Billions of Euros

The property owned by Serbs in the Federation is worth tens of billions of euros. Persons of Serb nationality who have not been using their land in the FBiH for 20 years may lose it, but there is a way to prevent it. This was confirmed in a statement for Nezavisne Novine by Đorđe Radanović, the President of the Committee for Protection of Rights of Serbs in the FBiH. ‘The owner should

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First Book Fair Open in Istočno Sarajevo

Istočno Novo Sarajevo opened a book fair presenting seven publishing houses from the Republic of Srpska tonight on the Square of the Republic of Serbia, as part of the cultural and entertainment event Summer in Istočno Novo Sarajevo. The opening of the fair was followed by promotion of the publishing activity of the Central Library of Istočno Sarajevo, which is also the organizer of this fair. Branislava Milošević from

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Lukač and Vulin in Drvar: Serbs in the Federation Will Not Be Left without Support

The interior ministers of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, Aleksandar Vulin and Dragan Lukač, met in Drvar with representatives of Serbs in the Federation of BiH. Representatives of the municipalities of Drvar, Bosansko Grahovo, Glamoč, Odžak and Bosanski Petrovac were present. Discussions covered the position of Serbs in the Federation of BiH and Serbia’s help to Serbs in that entity. The Republic of Srpska Minister of the Interior

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Knightly Competitions Close 146th Nevesinje Olympics

Three categories of horse racing closed the 146th Nevesinje Olympics in Bratački Lug near Nevesinje. This is the oldest and unique event in the region. The disciplines of throwing a stone from the shoulder, fighting on a log, mas-wrestling, tug of war were held in the afternoon. The animals owned by Branko Ostojić from Žabljak won in two categories of horse racing, while

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Užice: International Children’s Folklore Festival Licider Heart Opened

The International Children’s Folklore Festival Licider Heart, where children’s folklore ensembles from the Republic of Srpska also participate, was officially opened tonight in Užice. The festival is being held under the auspices of Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić, and will last until 19 August in Užice, Zlatibor and Višegrad. There is about 700 participants aged 10 to 16 from Serbia,

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Europe Demands: Recognize Serbian Language

In its report adopted in early July, the CoE’s Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages referred to its long-standing recommendation that Croatian, German and Serbian, which are traditionally present in several areas of Slovenia, be recognized as traditional minority languages. The National Council of Serbs of Slovenia, the association that brings together the Serbian community in this country, told

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Фестивал „Лицидерско срце“ од 15. до 19. августа у Вишеграду, Ужицу и Златибору

Међународни дјечији фестивал фолклора „Лицидерско срце“, најављено је данас у Скупштини града Београда, ове године биће одржан од 15. до 19. августа у Ужицу, на Злтибору и у Вишеграду, под покровитељством као и предходних година председника Србије Александра Вучића. Фестивал организује Удружење грађана ЕРА из Ужица, а суорганизатори су Град Ужице, Представништво Републике Српске у…

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Agreed Protection of Serbian Language and Cyrillic Script

At today’s meeting in Belgrade with representatives of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, it was agreed to pass draft laws on the protection and use of the Serbian language and Cyrillic script by 15 September, thus introducing the same norms in Srpska and Serbia. It was agreed that draft laws should be passed by the Day of Unity, in order to organize

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Сусрети на мосту представника Зворника, Малог Зворника и грчког града Драма

На Мосту краља Александра Првог Карађорђевића, који преко Дрине повезује Зворник и Мали Зворник, данас су, у оквиру Зворничког љета, одржани традиционални сусрети представника ове двије локалне заједнице под називом „Људи и мостови“. Градоначелник Зворника Зоран Стевановић и предсједник општине Мали Зворник Зоран Јевтић, у пратњи локалних културно-умјетничких друштава, туристичких радника и суграђана, срели су…

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