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Dodik Awarded Order of the Republic of Serbia

The Order of the Republic of Serbia on a large necklace was awarded to the Serb member and Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik. Dodik was awarded the Order by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. – A sleepless night is behind me, because the joy of the decoration is not small. I will wear it with pride, as a member of the same people from the Republic of Srpska. Together with Vučić, we have built Serbia, but also the Republic of Srpska

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Fraternal Serbian Houses from Podgorica and Banja Luka

A delegation of the Serbian House from Podgorica visited Banja Luka. They spoke about strengthening spiritual, national and cultural identity with the President of the Parliament, Nedeljko Čubrilović, and the President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Rajko Kuzmanović. They also visited the Republic of Srpska Writers Association. The solid foundations of the Serbian people should be an imperative for Serbs, wherever they are. The delegation from Podgorica talked with the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska about joint promotion of culture and tradition.

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Информације за стране држављане у Русији

У Санкт Петербургу је 8. децембра 2020. године одржан округли сто о питањима удобног и сигурног боравка туриста у Санкт Петербургу. Организатори оклуглог стола су Комитет за развој туризма Санкт Петербурга и Санкт Петербуршка државна буџетска институција „Градски туристичко информативни биро“. Догађај је био организован уз подршку Комитета за спољне односе Санкт Петербурга. У овом…

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Dodik: Vidovdan Unites us in Planetary Energy and Makes us Special

The Serb member and Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, said in Andrićgrad that Vidovdan was dedicated to all those known and unknown who had contributed to the Serbian nation and history being glorious and rich, regardless of their being also those of suffering and tribulations. – Vidovdan is strong and powerful because it gathers and is celebrated everywhere

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Banja Luka Down Syndrome Center to Represent Srpska in Russia Again

Six young chefs from the Down Syndrome Center Banja Luka are participating in the 15th jubilean International Youth Gastronomic Festival Reviving Tradition Victory Easter, to be held on 18 May at the Central Museum of Victory in Moscow. Six new young chefs from the Banja Luka Down Syndrome Center will present the Easter traditions of the Republic of Srpska, its customs, as well as the traditional

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Цицовић: Допринос Србије очувању и напретку Српске – немјерљив

Шеф Представништва Републике Српске у Србији Млађен Цицовић оцијенио је да су односи Србије и Републике Српске, захваљујући одличној сарадњи највиших званичника, у посљедњих седам година бољи него икад, а да је однос Србије и њен допринос очувању и напретку Републике Српске велик и немјерљив. – То је, прије свега, резултат одличне сарадње предсједника Србије…

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Chicago Mayor Proclaimed Vidovdan a City Holiday

The Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, proclaimed Vidovdan a holiday of the city of Chicago. She made such a decision considering the fact that the city of Chicago has one of the largest Serbian-American communities in the United States, reads the official proclamation of the mayor published on Serbian Mirror. Such a decision was made also because Serbian emigrants have been settling in Chicago since the 1880s

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Petričević and Atanasković in Belgrade: Continue Implementation of Joint Projects

The Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, Vjekoslav Petričević, and Minister of Economy of Serbia, Anđelka Atanasković, agreed in Belgrade to work intensively in the coming period to implement previously agreed projects. Petričević noted that the discussion covered projects related to Podrinje and formation of industrial zones, and added that

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Перовић: Неопходна правилна политика повезивања са дијаспором

Шеф Представништва Републике Српске у Москви Душко Перовић истакао је да је усвајање Стратешког плана за сарадњу са дијаспором прави потез Владе Српске, те да је било неопходно изградити правилну политику повезивања са дијаспором. Перовић је напоменуо да Република Српска готово да нема дијаспору у Руској Федерацији, те да је она била бројнија деведесетих година…

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Monument to Patriarch Pavle Unveiled in Andrićgrad

A monument to the blessed Serbian Patriarch Pavle, authored by Ljubomir Lacković, was solemnly unveiled in Byzantine Square in Andrićgrad. Lacković said that the monument was 1.7 meters high and that its making took him about two months. – Earlier, I made a smaller monument to Patriarch Pavle, I also participated in the work of the Andrićgrad Art Colony, and I had an exhibition the year before last. Emir Kusturica liked my work and he invited me to realize that idea this year – said Lacković.

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