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The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, told Srna that the Day of the Republic of Srpska was celebrated not only as the date of birth of the Republic of the Serbian people in BiH, but also as a symbol of the Serbian people’s determination to live in freedom in an orderly society.

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Book Fair Again in Banja Luka

From 31 August to 6 September, fans of the written word will have the opportunity to buy the latest editions at the 26th International Book Fair in Banja Luka, as well as to choose books from world classics or works by the most famous Serbian writers of the 20th century of timeless value. The festival of the written word, organized by Glas Srpske, will be held this year to the joy of all

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Dodik from Athens: Serbs and Greeks Want to Promote and Spread Peace (PHOTO)

During his visit to Greece, the Serb member and chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, said for RTRS that Serbs and Greeks wanted to promote and spread peace in the future. After a meeting with the President of Greece, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, and the Speaker of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tassoulas, Dodik said that Greece was oriented towards supporting BiH’s European path. - the main topic

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Republic of Srpska Day Marked in Washington

BiH Ambassador to Washington Bojan Vujić and Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office Obrad Kesić marked the Day of the Republic of Srpska by attending the Divine Liturgy of the Holy Martyr Stephen with the parishioners of St. Luke Church in Washington. The parish priest, Vasilije Vranić, mentioned and read prayers for the Republic of Srpska and its citizens. Source: RTRS  

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Voice of Jedinstvo Reaches Russia

Serbian Singing Society Jedinstvo has been cultivating spirituality and culture for decades under the auspices of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and spreading its music year after year, both in the cities of Srpska and in other European cities. Although the period behind us was restrictive for many events, affecting particularly the bands performing live music, Jedinstvo choir ensembles

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In the last two years, demand has been growing for houses and cottages for vacation by the river. Such a tourist offer exists also in Novi Grad, along the Una. One of the 12 owners of the houses and cottages by the Una is Ljiljana Umićević, who rents a cottage to tourists. She says she is satisfied with the visits, and some of the tourists keep coming back to enjoy the

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Klokić: Excellent Cooperation Between Serbia and Russia

The Minister for European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, met, on behalf of the Government of Srpska, with a delegation of the Ural region from the Russian Federation, stated the Public Relations Bureau of the Government of Srpska. Klokić welcomed the guests from Russia who will be spending the next two days in the Republic of Srpska. Klokić assessed previous cooperation between the Republic of Srpska and Russian

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Actors Presented Game for Children that Encourages Learning Serbian Language and Culture

The director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, received actors Nenad Okanović, Darko Apostolović and Bojan Ivković, who presented their project, the play Luedu - Learn, Man, which encourages learning and intellectual development of children as well as adults through fun and socializing. The questions are selected according to age and areas

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Cvijanović: Christmas to Bring Love and Spiritual Peace into Homes

Предсједницa Републике Српске Жељка Цвијановић честитала је Божић свим православним вјерницима који празнују према јулијанском календару, са жељом да овај најрадоснији хришћански празник, у духу обичаја и вјерске традиције, у домове унесе радост, љубав, духовни мир, наду у напредак и боље сутра. – Рођење Исуса Христа нас окупља, зближава и подсјећа на истинске људске, породичне…

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