A market analysis aimed at connecting enterprises from Srpska, especially from the metal, wood and food industries, with companies from Austria, is a key activity of the RS Representation in Vienna.

With the service designed in three phases, domestic export-oriented enterprises have a better chance of reaching the Austrian market and consolidating their positions there.

‘The first phase is a business register available to businessmen from Srpska to register, followed by an outreach program, which offers analysis of the Austrian market and faster communication with Austrian businessmen, and the third phase is a Showroom, i.e. a concept store,’ explained for Glas Srpske the head of the RS Representation in Austria, Mladen Filipović, noting that Austrians appreciated highly the quality of our products.Глас Српске“ шеф Представништва РС у Аустрији Младен Филиповић, нагласивши да Аустријанци посебно цијене квалитет наших производа.

He pointed out that the second phase was currently intensifying and that they were extensively visiting RS businessmen and organizing trainings for them to prepare for Austria.

‘We prepare market analyses by industry, in particular for the metal, wood and food industry, and in addition we prepare market analyses for specific firms and enable direct contacts with Austrian partners, which is currently unfolding intensively with more than 150 enterprises from Srpska,’ said Filipović, noting that they were largely preparing the ground for domestic companies’ entry in the Austrian market.

Speaking about the Showroom, Filipović reminds that this concept store in Linz has existed for two years and that concrete results are already evident. Namely, the firms represented in the Showroom already have partners in Austria. Filipović adds that the plan is to open concept stores in Vienna, Graz and Salzburg.

‘We plan to enable our food industry producers to place products in Austria. In cooperation with Spar and Reve groups, we have already placed some of our food products in their stores, and that is a concrete result of the cooperation,’ Filipović noted.

It is planned, he added, to present wood types and furniture from Srpska, all with the aim of best possible placement of domestic products on this market. Filipović invited businessmen to take all these opportunities and make the first step for a most successful presentation in Austria.

Mladen Filipović pointed out that in addition to analyzing the market and connecting domestic and Austrian firms, the RS Representation helped companies from Srpska to best present themselves on the Internet.

‘We are helping with translation into German and improvement of their websites. In a way, we are a satellite commercial department for our businessmen,’ said Filipović.

Source: Glas Srpske

Photo: RTRS