The Serb village of Đevrske, municipality of Kistanje, Dalmatia, started a Serbian language school, which is attended by about thirty children.

Thirty-two-year-old Sava Vojnović, president of the Association Naša kuća (our house) from Đevrske is the most deserving for affording the opportunity to Serb children to study their mother tongue outside school activities.

– We recognized the need of our children. Most of them come from Đevrske, but there are also seven children coming to the school from Skradin, Kistanje, Uzdolje, Nunić. Our children now have the opportunity to study their mother tongue with their teacher Rada – Sava tells Srna.

He notes that the Serbian language school is located in the parish home with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Nicodemus of Dalmatia.

According to Sava, the idea was born when children from Dalmatia visited Serbia and His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, all with the immense support of Radmila Berić from the Žene Kosovske doline (Women of Kosovo Valley) association, and Sava’s friends Miloš and Boba.

– Through a series of humanitarian actions implemented both here and in the diaspora, thanks to good people, we collected 15,000 euros to equip the premises that nowadays serve as Serbian language classrooms here in Đevrske – Sava points out.

Life in Dalmatia is challenging for Serbs, but also beautiful, because, as Sava says, ‘one is on one’s own land’.

– Only one place in the world is called home. When I was away from my Đevrske, there was no time that I was not thinking about my motherland – says Sava, who found his happiness in his native Dalmatia.

The Serbian language school started operation at the right time, since during summer, children living scattered around the world who come to their parents’ homeland, have the opportunity to study the Serbian language.

– Preservation of identity, culture, tradition, religion, mother tongue, and customs is the guarantor of our surviving and remaining in Dalmatia, our age-old nest – Sava notes.

With the help of his comrades-in-arms, children’s families and good people, but also a great support of the organization 28 June, he brings back life to Dalmatia and creates better conditions for Serb children who are the guarantor of the survival of the Serbian people in that part of Croatia.

– All that I am today – I owe my Dalmatia. Here, where the sun warms the best, and the bora caresses the cheeks – says Sava and invites those who are thinking of returning to return to their homeland.


Photo: SRNA