The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, told Srna that the Day of the Republic of Srpska was celebrated not only as the date of birth of the Republic of the Serbian people in BiH, but also as a symbol of the Serbian people’s determination to live in freedom in an orderly society.

Cicović emphasized that it was important to constantly remind that the Republic of Srpska was created in peace, in the desire and effort to never have a war and to resolve all problems and all conflicts peacefully, by agreement, that it was successfully defended in the war, and internationally recognized in Dayton and Paris as an independent part of a joint BiH.

He pointed out that 9 January was also the day of remembrance of those who proclaimed Srpska as the will of the people, especially those who succeeded in defending it in often impossible conditions, such as when the opposing army was assisted from outside BiH.

– Fallen soldiers deserve remembrance, monuments and glory, because our Republic of Srpska is crowned with their glory – said Cicović.

He noted that the constitution, the laws, the parliament, the President of the Republic and the Government guaranteed the same rights to all other peoples and nationalities living and creating in Srpska.

– Even today, after 29 years, we can be certain that there is no force that can bring its existence and survival into question. Today, the Republic of Srpska is the more progressive part of BiH – and that should be noted and said – said Cicović.

He pointed out that the coronavirus pandemic brought problems to everyone in the world, including Srpska, and his belief that the Republic would triumph because ‘life is indestructible’.

– History has recorded many epidemics and pandemics, and man has overcome and survived them all, and will again. We can do that by taking care of ourselves and by doing that also protecting the others – said Cicović.

He stated that, therefore, this year’s celebration of the Day of the Republic of Srpska unfolded in compliance with all recommendations and restrictions prescribed by experts.

– The most important part of the celebration now is what each of us is celebrating inside, in our souls, and yet the shared celebration is evident. We will watch the ceremonial academy tonight at 18.00 h on the first RTRS program, and in that way we will all be together with our Republic of Srpska again – said Cicović.

He pointed out as particularly important that the Republic of Srpska celebrated every 9 January together with Serbia, both in Banja Luka and in all other places in the Republic of Srpska, because Serbia was present in all our communities with its support and assistance, and that the holiday was marked also in Serbia.

– In many places in Serbia, our homeland associations and clubs celebrate the Day of the Republic of Srpska – 9 January, and the Representative Office organizes a reception on the occasion of the Day of the Republic every 28 February, the day when the proclamation of the first Constitution of the Republic of Srpska legally completed its founding – Cicović reminded.

He said that the tradition would not be interrupted this year either, but that the Day of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia would be marked in a different form due to the pandemic.

– This year, on 28 February, via a special online platform, we will gather again the highest representatives of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, representatives of the diplomatic corps, prominent scientists, artists, academics, senators, generals and all those who have the Republic of Srpska in their hearts, and through a program broadcast live from the studio celebrate the Day of the Republic of Srpska and the day when the first Constitution of the Republic of Srpska was proclaimed – announced Cicović.

Source: RTRS