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Youth from Pale in Serbian World - New Leaders Project

Пројекат „Српски свијет – нови лидери“ реализован је у Чачку од 3. до 8. августа. Пројекат је реализован у организацији српске НВО „Светосавске свечаности“, а под покровитељством и уз подршку Управе за дијаспору и Србе у региону, Министарства спољњих послова Републике Србије и града Чачка. У поменутом пројекту учешће је узело шездесеторо најталентованије српске дјеце…

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Third Serbian Language Summer School for Serbian Diaspora and Foreigners Ended in Montenegro

У организацији Матице српске у Црној Гори, а уз подршку Управе за сарадњу с дијаспором и Србима у региону и општина Никшић и Будва, успјешно је завршена трећа љетња школа српског језика за припаднике српске дијаспоре и странце. Љетњу школу је у периоду од 10-30. јула у Никшићу и Будви похађало 38 полазника из више…

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Čačak Learning Camp Ceremonially Opened for Children from the Region

У оквиру образовног кампа „Српски свет-Нови лидери“ у наредних шест дана у срцу Шумадије боравиће дјеца из шест земаља региона. Организатор овог кампа је Удружење Светосавске свечаности, а реализацију пројекта суфинансирала је Управа за сарадњу с дијаспором и Србима у региону. У наредних неколико дана, малишане из региона очекују многобројне културно-образовне радионице кроз које ће…

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After Hard Work, Bavarian Nuremberg and Erlangen Serbian School Students on Well-Deserved Holiday

The students of Nuremberg and Erlangen supplementary classes in Serbian organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, headed by teacher Gordana Budiša, had many extracurricular activities in July. The Vidovdan Academy was held at the very beginning of the month in the Cyril and Methodius Serbian Orthodox Church in Nuremberg. The students also took part in the cultural and artistic program at the FC Serbia Nuremberg memorial tournament

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Business Forum in Lopare: Investors Satisfied with Investment Conditions

On 29 July 2023, Lopare held a Business Forum to present this municipality’s good experiences in cooperating with the diaspora and to announce new investments in the homeland by people from the diaspora. The head of Lopare, Rado Savić, says that this municipality has 20 business projects implemented by the diaspora, three business ideas have already been realized this year, and new investments were discussed at the Business Forum.

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Stands and Performances of Serbian Associations at Stuttgart Summer Festival

Last week, Stuttgart, Germany, hosted this city’s six-day Summer Festival, the most visited event organized by the Forum of Cultures, the umbrella migrant organization. The traditional and cultural diversity has made this Summer Festival of the city of Stuttgart widely known, so guests from other German cities are not rare. All the employees of the Forum of Cultures contributed to this

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Diaspora Invests in Lopare - New Plants Opening Announced

Almost half of Lopare population, more than 6,000, live and work abroad. The first of them had set off abroad half a century ago, but they have not forgotten their homeland and now invest the money earned in Western Europe in its development. Many residents have found employment in their hometown owing to newly founded companies, and opening of new production plants has been announced. Intensive cooperation with

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Vučić Received Serbian Children from the Region: This Is Your House, Here You Are at Your Own

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received Serbian children from the region in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic. – Thank you very much for being here today, this is your house and you are not guests here, you are at your own. This is your country and it will always welcome you with open arms – said Vučić. He told the children

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