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Petričević and Atanasković in Belgrade: Continue Implementation of Joint Projects

The Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, Vjekoslav Petričević, and Minister of Economy of Serbia, Anđelka Atanasković, agreed in Belgrade to work intensively in the coming period to implement previously agreed projects. Petričević noted that the discussion covered projects related to Podrinje and formation of industrial zones, and added that

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RTRS to Premiere Film Guardian of Honor and Pride - Đorđe Mihailović on 1 May at 21.00

The documentary The Guardian of Honor and Pride - Đorđe Mihailović will premiere on Radio Television of the Republic of Srpska on 1 May, the day when Mihailović, who had dedicated his life to guarding the Serbian World War I military cemetery in Zeitenlik, Greece, celebrates his 93rd birthday. The film will be shown at 21.00 hrs. The 25-minute film was shot by the

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Author Oleg Bondarenko presented the book Balkanist Notes to Banja Luka audience. The book consists of the texts published on the Balkanist portal, dealing with Serbian-Russian relations in recent times. The best texts, as selected by the author of the collection, are dominated by topics in the fields of history, politics, culture, religion and everyday life. – First of all, we are dealing with considering Russian-Serbian relations in the political, economic, business, cultural and other contexts – said Bondarenko.

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Cicović: Serbian People to Function in a Single Ethnic Space

Relations between Serbia and Republic of Srpska are currently at the highest possible level and provide a realistic basis for pursuing a goal that will ensure that the Serbian people function in a single cultural and ethnic space, and freely inherit everything that characterizes it, said for Srna the director of the Representative Office of Srpska in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović.

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Sava: Serbian Americans are Politically Invisible in America

The Serbian community hardly participates in American political life at all and it has no understanding of how the political process works, evaluated the Advisory Board of the first political organization of Serbs in the USA, the Serbian-American Voters Alliance /SAVA/, at a webinar /internet video conference/. At the video gathering that presented the principles, mission and goals of this organization of the Serbian-American community, it was pointed out that Serbian Americans...

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Trebinje Presented Tourism Products in Belgrade

Trebinje presented its tourism products at ten standard stands in Knez Mihailova Street in downtown Belgrade, where Belgradians and foreign tourists had the opportunity to taste the famous Herzegovinian specialties, wines and brandies. Performance of a mix of traditional Herzegovinian dances and songs by the Cultural and Artistic Society Alat Swisslion attracted attention, and the stands presented the City of Trebinje, the Museum of Herzegovina, Herzegovina House, wines from six wineries, restaurants, City of the Sun Aqua Park, tourism organizations and producers of honey and medicinal herbs.

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Gouillon: Serbia is Truthful about Endangered Serbian Population and Churches

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arnaud Gouillon, said that the fact that Europa Nostra had included Visoki Dečani among the most endangered heritage meant that Serbia, the Eparchy of Raška and Prizren and humanitarian organizations had been telling the truth about the Serbian population and churches in Kosmet. - This means that

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Gouillon: After 20 years, Children to Learn Serbian in Russia from Autumn

More than 100 Serbian children will attend supplementary schools to be opened in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi in September, said the Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon. He notes that this is an outcome of his seven-day visit to Russia, which kick-started the affairs after more than two decades

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Одржан вебинар за компаније из Републике Српске

Представништво Републике Српске у Републици Аустрији организовало је данас вебинар у сарадњи са Иновационим центром Бања Лука на тему „Подршка извозно оријентисаним компанијама из Републике Српске“. Младен Филиповић, шеф представништва Републике Српске у Аустрији, говорио је о програмима који су на располагању компанијама у Републици Српској за подршку извозним активностима и приступу аустријском тржишту. На…

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Easter Customs – Ours and Throughout the World – New Competition for Pupils

Easter customs – ours and throughout the world is a new art and video competition announced as part of extracurricular activities. It was announced by the teachers of the Serbian Supplementary School in Berlin, Marija Aleksić and Mirjana Stefanović, within supplementary classes in the Serbian language in Berlin. The competition is open until 27 April to all pupils

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