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Serbia Eliminated PCR Test Requirement for Residents of Countries of the Region

The Border Police was notified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia about new instructions for persons entering Serbia from countries affected by the coronavirus epidemic, which will enter into force on 14 January 2021. The citizens of BiH, Albania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro are allowed to enter Serbia without a PCR test, the BiH Border Police announced.

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15 Scholarships in Greece for Students from Srpska

The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Greece, Jelena Jovanović, and the president of City College in Thessaloniki, Yannis Ververidis, signed today a protocol on cooperation providing for 15 scholarships for students from the Republic of Srpska at City College, York University Europe Campus. Five scholarships covering 50 percent of the tuition, are provided for undergraduate studies, master studies and MBA (MasterofBusinessadministration)

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Cicović: Our Obligation Is to Tell Only Truth

At the forum on Deconstructing the myths about Sarajevo coexistence and Srebrenica genocide, the head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, said that there would always be people preparing new conflicts, wars and victims by presenting and placing their lies and deceptions, but that it was an obligation of the Serbian people to tell only the truth and thus contribute to reconciliation and peace.

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Day of the Republic of Srpska Marked Also in Canada

Дан Републике Српске обиљежен је и у Канади. Прву виртуелну прославу поводом 9. јануара организовао је Канадско-српски савез. Ова кровна организација канадских Срба упутила је честитке званичницима Српске, вјерујућем народу, и свимa онима који желе напредак Републици Српској. Ма гдје били и под чијом год заставом живјели, српска тробојка им је у срцу, а рођендан…

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Stoilković: Saint-Savaism Defines Identity of Serbs Wherever They Live

Срби у Сјеверној Македонији и ове године ће од 25. до 27. јануара достојанствено обиљежити свој национални празник – Дан Светог Саве, јер је Светосавље оно што одређује идентитет Срба и повезује их на свим просторима на којима живе, изјавио је Срни предсједник Демократске партије Срба у Сјеверној Македонији Иван Стоилковић. Стоилковић, који је посланик…

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Serbian Uniform Exhibited in Thessaloniki Military Museum

Owing to the engagement of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office and with a generous donation of Draško Višić from Banja Luka, a uniform of a Serbian soldier from the First World War has been displayed in a Greek museum for the first time. A Serbian soldier’s uniform, a Serbian flag, and a water bottle from the First World War have been displayed for the first time in the exhibition space of the Military Museum in Thessaloniki, in the personal exhibition space of retired colonel pharmacist Vasilis Nikoltsios.

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Romanija Association Founded in Belgrade

The homeland association Romanija was founded today in Belgrade, with the goal of preserving identity, maintaining closest possible ties with the homeland, and affirming economic, cultural and all other relations between the Republic of Srpska and Serbia. The association gathers the people originally from Sokolac, Han Pjesak, Rogatica and Pale, but it is also open to others of

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Gouillon: Happy Birthday, Dear Republic of Srpska

Acting Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region Arnaud Gouillon congratulated the Day of the Republic of Srpska. – Happy birthday, dear Republic of Srpska! I wish all Serbs west of the Drina a happy Day of the Republic of Srpska, and all of you celebrating the Holy Archdeacon Stephen today, a happy slava! – Gouillon wrote on Twitter.

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The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, told Srna that the Day of the Republic of Srpska was celebrated not only as the date of birth of the Republic of the Serbian people in BiH, but also as a symbol of the Serbian people’s determination to live in freedom in an orderly society.

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Dodik from Athens: Serbs and Greeks Want to Promote and Spread Peace (PHOTO)

During his visit to Greece, the Serb member and chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, said for RTRS that Serbs and Greeks wanted to promote and spread peace in the future. After a meeting with the President of Greece, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, and the Speaker of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tassoulas, Dodik said that Greece was oriented towards supporting BiH’s European path. - the main topic

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