We expect the Pan-Serbian Assembly to yield continuation of good cooperation and confirmation of our unity, said the Serb Member of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović.

Cvijanović noted that ‘good relations are something we are already living and have experienced.’

– Naturally, we expect these relations to be increasingly better and meaningful. In the past years, they have already been filled in the best possible way. I think it will be a manifestation of exactly that – our unity and our commitment to work together and build our future – said Cvijanović.

Cvijanović noted that it is ‘our commitment to cooperate, but also a confirmation that we are actually people striving for the same goals, people with a shared history, belonging to the same nation and people who love and promote peace, cooperation, shared living, good relations with everyone in the region.’

– I think that is actually the main indicator. Naturally, we also have expectations regarding continuation of good cooperation on a concrete level, regarding implementation of various projects, infrastructure connectivity, connectivity through energy projects, connectivity in every possible way, in all possible areas ranging from sports, culture, or all that binds us – said Cvijanović.

Cvijanović stated that ‘such gatherings are very important.’

– I think these are complex times, and of course in such complex times you look for different forms to show that you are people who want to and can work together, who are focused on the same goals and who feel close to each other in a way that is only a natural connection, so nothing else. This is a pure idea based on pure love, pure brotherly relations, pure family relations and pure national relations. I must say that they happen with an open and full heart and that they are always a sign of our love that we have for each other and finally our commitment to keep it that way in the future. We also support each other, we share the same values, the same aspirations, I would say that we have the same fears concerning the future, but also the same wounds regarding the past – said Cvijanović.

Cvijanović noted that ‘we are connected in so many ways that we are a single organic tissue and this is something that will also manifest now.’

The Minister of Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska, Petar Đokić, said yesterday in Belgrade that the upcoming Pan-Serbian Assembly was not a threat to anyone, but only a manifestation of Serbian unity, Serbian harmony and even Serbian strength, which should be understood as such by everyone in the region.

Đokić noted that the Assembly, to be held on Saturday, 8 June, in Belgrade aimed to establish a new relationship of mutual communication between Serbia and Republic of Srpska and the way in which they would consider all important issues of interest for the Serbian people, but also for other nations living in Serbia and Srpska.

– With this assembly, we confirm our firm orientation to stay together, that in the future we will share both difficult and joyful moments and that we will have more coordination and more joint activities, which will lead to the prosperity of the Serbian people as a whole. This Assembly is building on all our previous activities we have had regarding cooperation between Serbia and Republic of Srpska. The Assembly creates a new dimension of our common relations and our shared future – stated Đokić.

The session of the two governments, meetings of ministers and directors of state-owned enterprises from both sides of the Drina, where important decisions will be made, and performances by cultural and artistic societies from Serbia and Srpska are just some of the events that will take place on Saturday in Belgrade at the Pan-Serbian Assembly of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, where the unity of the Serbian people will be confirmed.

In addition to the capital, programs are planned throughout Serbia.

The day begins with a moleben in the Church of St Sava, continues with meetings of the presidents, governments, but also businessmen, representatives of various associations, cultural institutions of Serbia and Republic of Srpska.

Everyone Is Invited

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that around 10,000 people from the Republic of Srpska were expected at the Pan-Serbian Assembly.


Ministers in the Government of Srpska state that the Pan-Serbian Assembly is not a threat to anyone, but a manifestation of Serbian unity, Serbian harmony, and even Serbian strength, which should be understood as such by everyone in the region.

The Ministries of Education and Culture of Srpska and Serbia have already announced signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of film art and other audiovisual creativity on Saturday.

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, met today (25 April 2024) in his office with Đorđe Milićević, the minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora.

– The memorandum aims to establish stronger cooperation in the field of diaspora. Also, the day before holding of the Assembly, we will have meetings with the minister in charge of European integration in the Government of Serbia. The meeting will discuss Serbia’s assistance in this context, given that Serbia is several steps ahead in the process compared to BiH. There will be meetings with some other ministers – said Klokić.

– We will have a meeting with the management of the Serbian Railways to discuss joint projects in addition to those announced – said the director of the Republic of Srpska Railways, Slađan Jović.

Kolo on Trg Republike

For the first time, almost all folklore ensembles of Serbia and Republic of Srpska will gather in one place. About 2,500 dancers from as many as 48 cultural and artistic societies will perform a medley of Serbian folk dances at Belgrade’s Trg Republike.

The president of the Association of Amateur Cultural and Artistic Societies of the Republic of Srpska, Nemanja Knežević, said that 20 cultural and artistic societies and ensembles from 16 local communities of Srpska would perform in Belgrade on Saturday.

– There will be 800 to 1,000 participants from the Republic of Srpska at the Pan-Serbian Assembly. We are traveling to Belgrade on Friday. We are all looking forward to this important event for the Serbian people – said Knežević and stated that the republic federation he headed was a partner of the National Ensemble Kolo and the Government of Serbia in holding the Pan-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade.

He said that members of the cultural and artistic societies would perform in several locations and that Kalemegdan was one of them.

– Also, the performances will take place in front of the Belgrade City Assembly. There will be stages with cultural and artistic societies from Srpska on one side, and those from the Republic of Serbia on the other. Then, as a parade, we will all go to Trg Republike, where a large joint kolo will be formed, danced by 20 societies from Srpska and about 30 from the Republic of Serbia – concluded Knežević.

Source: RTRS – SRNA – Glas Srpske

Photo: Marko Edge