The Republika Srpska Representation in Greece has released the first trailer for the documentary "Invisible Heroes", on which the Representation, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation of Srpska, has been working intensively for several months.
The head of the Representation of Srpska in Thessaloniki, Jelena Jovanović, points out that this is the first in a series of trailers that the Representative Office plans to publish.
- It shows a girl growing up. In the video, the line is a sign of peace - these are children who lived in Greece, drew and we have all those drawings in our archive - says Jovanović.
Along with the film, the project "Invisible Heroes" will publish a monograph with the stories of invisible heroes - families from Greece who hosted Serbian children in the 90s of the last century and thus, most of them, saved their childhood.
Јовановићева додаје да Представништво Српске интензивно, већ пар мјесеци, тражи ове породице и, на томе ће, каже, радити и у наредном периоду, како би се чуло за њихову причу и о томе како је из њиховог угла изгледала та ситуација, те како би им захвалили за несебичну помоћ и подршку.
She notes that, as part of this action, 20,000 children stayed in 28 cities and 156 municipalities in Greece.
Source: Government of Republika Srpska