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Dodik and Milisav on Situation in BiH and Serb Diaspora in Canada

The Serb member of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, spoke in Istočno Sarajevo with the Ambassador of BiH to Canada, Marko Milisav, about political situation in BiH and position of the Serb diaspora in Canada. – In the face of great pressures, Marko proved to be a great champion of the positions of Srpska, on behalf of which he was proposed as an ambassador – Dodik announced on his Twitter

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All-Serbian Gathering Krušedol Bells Held

His Eminence Bishop Vasilije of Srem received the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH Milorad Dodik in the Krušedol Monastery, where the 16th Krajina Church-People’s Pan-Serbian Gathering Bells of Krušedol was held. The bishop expressed his gratitude to Dodik for all the support he had been providing selflessly to that gathering throughout the years. ‘The Krušedol Gathering is a get-together around the church, which is the strongest element

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Easier to Exercise Right to Old-Age Pension in Austria for Citizens of Srpska

Фонд за пензијско и инвалидско осигурање (ПИО) Републике Српске и аустријски пензијски фонд (ПВА) постигли су споразум о поједностављењу поступка остваривања права на старосну пензију за грађане Републике Српске који су на привременом раду у Аустрији, саопштено је из Фонда ПИО. Из Фонда ПИО обавјештавају осигуранике који у претходном периоду имају остварен стаж осигурања у…

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Gouillon Received Cyrillic Charter for Serbian Alphabet Protection and Promotion

Директор Управе за сарадњу с дијаспором и Србима у региону Арно Гујон добитник је награде „Ћирилична даровница“, а признање за заштиту и промоцију ћирилице додјељено му је на манифестацији „Ћирилична баштина“, на Дан словенске писмености 24. маја, у Бајиној Башти. У образложењу се наводи да је Гујон награђен због отварања школа на српском језику у…

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Most Beautiful Cyrillic Handwritings Declared

У Дервенти су проглашени најљепши ћирилички рукописи од 51 пристиглог на адресу Градског одбора Српског просвјетног културног друштва /СПКД/ „Просвјета“, те побједницима уручене награде и признања. Предсједник СПКД „Просвјета“ Дервента, свештеник Далибор Ђекић рекао је да су радови стигли из Републике Српске, БиХ и Србије. „Нисмо добили ниједан рад од ученика средњих школа. Избор је…

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First Serbian Primary School Outside Vukovar Opened in Croatia

The first Serbian school for primary school children in Croatia outside Vukovar was opened in Đevrske near Knin, the humanitarian organization 28 June announced. The school will be attended by 30 pupils. Children from Đevrske will learn Serbian language and history at the school, as well as Cyrillic script and everything related to the culture and tradition of the Serbian people, 28 ...

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Stefan Takov Won Gold at European Taekwondo Championships

Serbian national taekwondo team member, Stefan Takov, won a gold medal at the European Championships in Manchester. Takov won the gold medal in the under-74 kg category on the fourth day of the European Senior Championships in Manchester. He defeated Mehdi Jermami of France in the first round. In the following match, his opponent was top-seed Daniel Barrera Quesada of Spain, whom...

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Another 15 Scholarships Covering 50 Percent of Tuition Fees for Students from Republic of Srpska

For the second consecutive year, the head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Greece, Jelena Jovanović, and representative of City College Nikos Zacharis, the head of the Career Employability & Enterprise Centre, signed a Cooperation Protocol providing for 15 scholarships to students from the Republic of Srpska at the University of York & City College which cover 50 percent of tuition fees, more specifically five scholarships for undergraduate studies...

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Prosvjeta School’s Unforgettable Gathering of Children and Parents in Vienna

On Saturday, 14 May 2022, in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Vienna, the Serb Educational and Cultural Association Prosvjeta Austria and the Association for Culture Word – Color – Tone organized a Poetry afternoon for children and adults, with a guest from Serbia, the poet Svetlana Spajić. The event, which gathered a large number of children and their families, was organized with the great

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Minister Klokić in Zurich at Business Diaspora Summit

SUMMIT 2022, the summit of business diaspora, was officially opened on 13 May 2022, with the participation of the top leadership of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, including the Prime Minister Radovan Višković and Minister Zlatan Klokić. Within the summit, at the meeting with the Ambassadors of BiH and Serbia to Switzerland, Boro Bronza and Goran Bradić, the ministers of the Government of the Republic of Srpska Zlatan Klokić

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