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Diaspora Invests in Lopare - New Plants Opening Announced

Almost half of Lopare population, more than 6,000, live and work abroad. The first of them had set off abroad half a century ago, but they have not forgotten their homeland and now invest the money earned in Western Europe in its development. Many residents have found employment in their hometown owing to newly founded companies, and opening of new production plants has been announced. Intensive cooperation with

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Vučić Received Serbian Children from the Region: This Is Your House, Here You Are at Your Own

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received Serbian children from the region in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic. – Thank you very much for being here today, this is your house and you are not guests here, you are at your own. This is your country and it will always welcome you with open arms – said Vučić. He told the children

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Diaspora Days in Lopare Ceremonially Opened

The traditional cauldron feast opened the Days of the Diaspora in Priboj near Lopare, organized for the twelfth time by the municipality of Lopare and the Association of Majevicans in Switzerland. The Head of Lopare municipality, Rado Savić, said that this year’s Diaspora Days were organized under the slogan Homeland in the Heart, and that they had started with a magnificent gathering and a traditional cauldron feast in Priboj

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Serbian School Students Held We Play, Socialize and Nurture Serbian Language Event in Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe recently hosted Games without Borders, organized by the parents’ council of the Serbian supplementary school, teacher Slavica Stupar from the German province of Baden-Württemberg, and supported by the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Stuttgart. Students and parents from Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden, Gaggenau, Rastatt, Bruchsal and Pforzheim gathered under the title We Play, Socialize and Nurture the Serbian Language. Welcoming

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Canada: 40 Years of Serbian Heritage Academy

The Serbian Heritage Academy of Canada marked a jubilee – 40 years of existence and work, by presenting this institution’s monograph in its premises. A book by the poet Radovan Gajić was also promoted there. The Serbian Heritage Academy hosted a promotion of the book titled Gemblaši (Gamble Street residents) by Radovan Gajić. On the same evening, a monograph of the Serbian Heritage Academy in Canada was presented on the occasion of

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Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore (AASF) – the Most Successful Folklore Association in Europe

‘The folklore season thus far has been the most successful since the foundation of the Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore (AASF)’, said this Association. ‘Many members, that is, societies achieved enviable placements in all the held competitions. This is supported particularly by the fact that the member clubs achieved top results and exhibited high quality in preserving the Serbian language, tradition and culture at all

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Folk Culture Festival in Mozart’s City

Among the 33 associations participating in the Festival, members of the oldest society in Mozart’s city – the Cultural and Sports Community of Serbs (KSZS Salzburg) put in a lot of effort to present their motherland Serbia in the best possible way. Members of the KSZS society, groups consisting of all ages, showed the beauty of the dance and folk costumes from different regions of Serbia. In addition to the successful performance and demonstrated dancing

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Klokić: We Are Opening Representative Office in Shanghai

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said that Srpska’s ninth representative office abroad would be opened in China, whose business entities had achieved remarkable cooperation with Srpska in the past period. ‘Since we are open to foreign investments, a socio-economic justification certainly exists for the establishment

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Vrhovac: We Will Present Republic of Srpska to Investors at Investment Forum

Banja Luka is to hold an investment forum intended for the investors interested in investing in the Republic of Srpska. Dražen Vrhovac, acting director of the IDB Republic of Srpska, said that the investment forum imposed itself as an event needed to be organized. ‘To bring to our Banja Luka all the contacts we have established, all the investors we have visited, to

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Motherland Support for Serbian Language

One of the demands made by Serbs from Austria at the Vidovdan Diaspora Assembly in Belgrade was for the motherland to support the effort to officially recognize the Serbian language in Austria, so that our children no longer learn the artificial BCS (Bosniak-Croatian-Serbian). Aleksandar Stanković, president of the Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore (AASF), says that the assembly was excellently organized and

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