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International Folklore Festival in Vienna

The International Folklore Festival is held in Vienna, with participating children’s and youth folklore groups, instrumental groups and choirs from a dozen countries, including participants from the Republic of Srpska and Serbia. The opening of the event was also attended by the Head of the Representative Office, Mladen Filipović, who greeted the participants on this occasion. The International Folklore Festival, organized by the Folklore Festival

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Young Writers’ Evening in Vienna All about Community

Prosvjeta Young Artists Club Vienna organized the Evening of Young Writers for the thirteenth time on Sunday, 5 November 2023, in the Viennese bar Kotor. Marko Sarić, president of the Viennese Prosvjeta, welcomed all the present, comparing this event to Serbian intellectual elite gathering in Vienna during the time of Branko Radičević and Laza Kostić. This time, young

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Cvijanović: Visible Church and Diaspora Activities

The Serb member of BiH Presidency Željka Cvijanović, currently on a working visit to France, said last evening that ‘it is nice to visit our compatriots who preserve our language, religion, culture and customs far from their homeland’. The Serb member of BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, said in Paris, where she visited the Church of St Sava and met with its clergy,

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Serbs from Germany and Republic of Srpska Socialized in Blumberg, Schwarzwald

Members of Blumberg Serbian Cultural Centre have had their Centre for almost a decade. Cooperation with this city’s authorities is excellent. Also, cooperation with representatives of the Serbian consulate in Stuttgart is excellent, as is with many Serbian associations throughout Germany and Switzerland. The leadership endeavours to offer young people and its members a rich program, and

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Делегација Српске на Форуму у Кини: Српска отворена за економску сарадњу са Kином

Делегација Републике Српске стигла је у вишедневну посјету Кини гдје ће, између осталог, учествовати и на Форуму за сарадњу и развој између НР Кине и Европе. Један од говорника на Форуму биће и министар Златан Клокић. Циљ ове посјете су бројни састанци са представницима кинеских компанија из разних области, али и представљање инфраструктурних пројеката који…

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Building stronger relations between the diaspora and Serbs in the region with the motherland

Министар без портфеља у Влади Републике Србије задужен за координацију активности и мјера у области односа с дијаспором Ђорђе Милићевић одржао је радни састанак са представницима 30 релевантних удружења Срба из Словеније, Хрватске, Босне и Херцеговине, Црне Горе и Сјеверне Македоније. Ово је први у низу радних састанака чији циљ је израда будуће стратегије односа…

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Culture in Diaspora – Prosvjeta Vienna Presented Its Work in Bijeljina

The 30th Višnjić Days event in Bijeljina included an organized visit by members of the SECS Prosvjeta Vienna, who presented their long-standing activity in Austria to the people of Bijeljina and spoke about cooperation models and connecting Prosvjeta boards of the Republic of Srpska, BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and other countries. Before the beginning of the event Culture in the Diaspora, the vice-president of the SECS Prosvjeta Vienna, Srđan Mijalković, told journalists

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Serbian Days Event Ended

The event Serbian Days – Serbian Culture Month marked the month of October in our community in Hungary. The event was established by the decision and blessing of His Eminence Bishop Lukijan of Buda, in order to increasingly contribute to presenting Serbian culture in Hungary each year. Event’s main organizer was the Eparchy of Buda and its sponsors were the Office

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Invest Srpska in Teslić; Srpska’s Business Environment Most Favourable in Region

The third investment conference Invest Srpska, organized by the Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska with the support of President Milorad Dodik, started in Banja Vrućica. The conference brings together the most important decision-makers, representatives of local self-government units, business and financial communities of the RS and the region. The Prime Minister Radovan Višković and Minister Zlatan Klokić attended the opening of the conference. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpska

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Professional Training of Artistic Directors Is the Only Solution for Improving Work of Cultural and Artistic Societies in Diaspora

The President of the Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore (AASF), Aleksandar Stanković, is actively advocating the accreditation of professional training programs for artistic directors in Austria and throughout the diaspora, to enable youth to receive education under the best conditions and obtain internationally recognized diplomas for this profession. Last weekend, he visited and greeted all the participants in the largest seminar for artistic directors in the diaspora,

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