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Learn About Republic of Srpska Tourism Products

The Tourism Organization of the Republic of Srpska is launching a campaign titled Collect moments, share smiles, spend the summer in Srpska, employing the new way of creating entertaining videos in the form of Instagram reels, announced TORS. These are 10 videos of 15 seconds each to guide visitors through tourism products of the Republic of Srpska by theme. – The campaign is of regional nature, adapted to the sex and age

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Drljača Estate Plum Brandy Best in the World

Plum brandy produced at the Rajnovača estate of the Drljača family, living not far from Novi Grad, was declared the best stone fruit distillate in the world at the international competition World Drinks Awards in England. Owned by 46-year-old Branko Drljača, the prized plum brandy is a distillate of three plum varieties, including the autochthonous variety of Požegača.

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The Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska, Dragan Lukač, organized a reception in Banja Luka for members of the Stanislav Binički Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia, where he presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the head of this ensemble, Major Nikola Živković. The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior presented the Certificate of Appreciation for the selfless support demonstrated by the Stanislav Binički Ensemble by taking part in marking important dates

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Serbian People Highly Appreciate the Name and Work of the Great Nobel Laureate

The Serb member and chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, noted in a conversation with Nobel laureate Peter Handke that his visit to the Republic of Srpska was of great importance and that Serbian people highly appreciated the name and work of this great Nobel laureate. Dodik emphasized that Handke’s literary opus was of exceptional value and his word was not poisoned by hatred

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Фестивал фолклора Срба из региона одржан у онлајн формату

Шести Фестивал фолклора Срба из региона, у организацији Завичајног удружења „Сава Мркаљ” из Новог Сада, ове године је одржан у онлајн формату. Премијерним приказивањем на „Јутјуб” платформи и „Фејсбук” страници тог удружења, приказане су игре, пјесме и обичаји с Кордуна, из Лике, с Грмеча, из Црне Горе, с Косова и Метохије, из Дубичког Поткозарја, Куманова…

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Belgrade-Moscow Flight Eight Times a Week

The national airline Air Serbia announced introduction of an additional flight to Moscow, starting from Monday, 5 July, due to the great interest of passengers. Thus, the total number of flights between the two capitals will increase from seven to eight a week. Source and photo: SRNA

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Easier Access to the Austrian Market for Srbac Companies

By the end of this year, Srbac businessmen will be able to access significantly the Austrian market, expand or start cooperation with the existing or potential partners in Austria. This was announced by Mladen Filipović, Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria, who held a presentation today in the assembly hall in Srbac about the possibilities of providing support to domestic export-oriented firms in connecting with key sectors and companies in Austria.

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Лауреатима уручене награде „Извор“

Лауреат овогодишње награде „Извор“ за најљепшу причу о завичају је Жељка Башановић Марковић из Београда, а за најљепшу пјесму о завичају Миленко Шарац из Пљеваља, саопштено је данас у Представништву Републике Српске у Србије. Марковићевој је припало признање за причу „Земља“, а Шарцу за пјесму „Сонет о одласку“. Шеф Представништва Републике Српске у Србији Млађен…

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Dodik Awarded Order of the Republic of Serbia

The Order of the Republic of Serbia on a large necklace was awarded to the Serb member and Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik. Dodik was awarded the Order by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. – A sleepless night is behind me, because the joy of the decoration is not small. I will wear it with pride, as a member of the same people from the Republic of Srpska. Together with Vučić, we have built Serbia, but also the Republic of Srpska

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Fraternal Serbian Houses from Podgorica and Banja Luka

A delegation of the Serbian House from Podgorica visited Banja Luka. They spoke about strengthening spiritual, national and cultural identity with the President of the Parliament, Nedeljko Čubrilović, and the President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, Rajko Kuzmanović. They also visited the Republic of Srpska Writers Association. The solid foundations of the Serbian people should be an imperative for Serbs, wherever they are. The delegation from Podgorica talked with the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska about joint promotion of culture and tradition.

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