Minister without portfolio in charge of diaspora relations Đorđe Milićević attended the Vidovdan feast, a traditional event in this part of Germany where students of Serbian supplementary schools celebrate the great Serbian holiday with a cultural and artistic program.

The celebration held at the Consulate General of Serbia in Munich, with the support of Consul General Božidar Vučurović, was attended by several hundreds of children, their parents and guests from the public sphere. The Chief Executive Officer of Telekom Srbija, Vladimir Lučić, and his associates were among the guests.

Importance of unity

Milićević invited those gathered to be united and support the decisive and courageous fight of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, to defend our national and state interests.

– We should be proud, and I am proud of everything you make and do, dear children. Of your teachers. I know how difficult it is when you live far from Serbia to preserve your language, culture, tradition, identity... You will always have the support of the Government of Serbia in this. You are not guests in Serbia, Serbia is your home. Please, never forget the Serbian language and our Cyrillic alphabet. When you finish schools and colleges, use your knowledge and experience in Serbia, we will always welcome you with open arms. Serbia has always been as strong as it is united. We must all be united, not only those of us who are in Serbia, but all Serbs wherever we live, said Milićević.

Libertarian people

He also said that the Serbian people had never been genocidal, they had always been libertarian.

– They never waged wars of conquest, nor had a Serb ever set foot on the territory of another state with a rifle. We never wanted conflicts, we always upheld international law. The big ones are annoyed when we, the little ones, tell them the truth in their face. While everyone is taking sides, we only want to preserve our sovereignty, independence and our freedom – the Minister said.

Important mission

Tatjana Hot, the Ministry of Education’s Serbian supplementary schools coordinator for Germany, thanked the Minister and Consul General for their support, as well as the parents for guiding and supporting their children to attend Serbian supplementary schools.

– Our school has an important mission, to impart knowledge about the Serbian language, culture and traditions to children living far from their homeland. As we celebrate Vidovdan, we are proud of the students who study hard and try to preserve their roots and identity far from their homeland – said Tatjana Hot.

Holiday with diaspora

Minister Đorđe Milićević announced that he would propose to the Serbian Government and his colleagues from the Government of the Republic of Srpska to hold the central celebration of the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag in the diaspora in Munich this year, due to the great patriotism shown by our compatriots in Germany.

Source: Vesti online

Photo: D. Vukajlović