The Serbian cultural and humanitarian society Desanka Maksimović from Celje celebrated a jubilee, its first 25 years.

For a quarter of a century, Desanka Maksimović SCHC, a member and one of the founders of the Association of Serbs of Slovenia, has been working dedicatedly on gathering Serbs from Celje, in addition to enriching the cultural life of overall population of Celje.

During these 25 years, through its intensive work, this society has produced many generations of folklore section, singing group, musicians, poetry lovers and athletes.

On this occasion, the society held a formal assembly in Celje, attended by the president of the Association of Serbs of Slovenia, who congratulated all those present on its quarter of a century and said that with its activities in the past 25 years this society had been a source of pride for all Serbs from Celje and also Slovenia.

The Assembly approved the work plan for the coming period and elected a new leadership. Dr Stevan Đorđević, one of the founders of this society and its first president, was elected as the new president of the SCHC Desanka Maksimović.

Desanka Maksimović Serbian Cultural and Humanitarian Society from Celje invites you to the 18th Đurđevak Ethno Festival.

This year, Đurđevak Ethno Festival will be held on 25 May (Saturday) in the imposing Celje Hall, at Krekov Trg 3, Celje, starting at 19:00 hrs, on the occasion of this society’s 25th anniversary in Celje.

Source and photo: Association of Serbs of Slovenia