On Saturday, 15 June, the third seminar of the teaching staff of Prosvjeta’s supplementary schools network in Austria was held in school premises at the St Basil of Ostrog church in Linz.

Prof. Srđan Mijalković, founder and manager of Prosvjeta schools, prepared and led this year’s seminar.

The seminar was dedicated to work improvement ideas and topics. First of all, how to facilitate, streamline and organize more efficiently the teaching and mutual communication, presentation of the work of schools, experience exchange and coordination of cooperation. At the beginning of the seminar, Father Dragan Mićić, the church elder and meeting host, greeted the participants.

The introductory lecture was given by Srđan Mijalković. He noted his plans to visit the schools in the coming period, and to monitor closer their work. New projects, new schools and creative workshops are planned in the schools next year. Prosvjeta’s Serbian language supplementary schools play an important role in the field of preserving national identity. He thanked our church for its support and said that greater cooperation with Serbian institutions and organizations was expected, because these schools were the most important educational institution for Serbs in Austria, and operated in the same way and according to the same program as schools under the authority of the Serbian Ministry of Education.

‘I am glad that now many fellow citizens understand the importance of our fight for the language and are increasingly talking about it. It is time for them to start acting on their words and join the efforts of Prosvjeta schools to educate our children in Austria and activities on promoting the Serbian language throughout the territory of this country. We are entitled to our language and only together we can fight for those rights,’ added Mijalković.

Source and photo: Serbian Educational and Cultural Society Prosvjeta Austria