As part of measures to support the economy of the Republic of Srpska and to overcome the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria will organize a series of interactive online trainings (via the online platform Zoom) in 2021 intended for economic entities from the Republic of Srpska on the manner and methods of achieving business cooperation and receiving support for exports.

The online training is primarily intended for small- and medium-sized enterprise owners, senior and middle management and entrepreneurs in organizations interested in establishing business cooperation with Austrian companies.

Your questions will be answered by the Head of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Austria, Mladen Filipović, MA.


The following topics will be covered during the trainings:

Company state analysis and readiness for export to the EU and Austria

Strategies for export planning and realization

Situation after Covid 19 pandemic outbreak and business conditions

Тржишна анализа о аустријским привредним секторима

Existing resources for exports and activities carried out by the Representation in Austria

Register now! 

Source: Republic of Srpska Representation in Austria