‘Fourteen years ago, I had a wish and a dream. I knew that our diaspora had a great desire to help our country, the same as they have today. I also knew very well how many esteemed experts our people had abroad, but also how great potential and knowledge our doctors in Serbia had, and I wanted to show it to the world. It was my desire to help our doctors, to support them to connect with their colleagues around the world, to exchange their knowledge, but also to create friendships. With the work at this conference, we are making our contribution to keeping that tradition at the highest level. It is very important that doctors have this opportunity to exchange ideas in their fields of expertise and I hope they will be able to further share the gained experience with their colleagues and thus help their patients,’ said Crown Princess Katarina Karađorđević, opening the 14th Serbian Medical Diaspora Conference.

Expressing her satisfaction that this conference has been progressing over the years, Princess Katarina noted that Serbia had a respectable tradition in medical science and very good and highly qualified doctors.

Dean of the Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr Lazar Davidović, said that this conference, held under the patronage of TRH Crown Prince Aleksandar and Crown Princess Katarina Karađorđević, organized by the Royal Serbian Medical Association and HRH Crown Princess Katherine Foundation, with the support of the Ministry of Health, the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade, the Serbian Medical Chamber, the World Health Organization, and the Royal Medical Board, was a very important event and connection with our medical diaspora. ‘In this way, we show our doctors who live and work abroad that we have not forgotten them and offer them the opportunity to share knowledge and experience with their colleagues in Serbia. We will see how the most complex medical cases are solved, which is very important for young doctors attending such conference for the first time,’ concluded Davidović.

The State Secretary in the Ministry of Health of Serbia, Dr Ferenc Vicko, said investments in health care had never been higher. In this way, Vicko noted, the Ministry of Health is trying to motivate doctors to stay in their country, while procuring new and state of the art medical equipment for patients at the same time, and recently hiring one hundred of the best medical students with an average grade above nine.

Source: Politika

Photo: Royal Palace