The minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, opened last evening in the village of Pecka near Osečina the Ivanjdan assembly of dance ensembles entitled Two Banks, One Drina 2024.

The event in Pecka is held traditionally as an assembly of the unity of Serbian folklore and Serbian people from Serbia and Republic of Srpska, and this year’s participants are eight folklore ensembles from Pecka, Osečina, Zvornik, Srebrenica, Šekovići, Koceljeva, Klenj and Lipnički Šor.

Milićević said that the Ivanjdan Folklore Assembly in Pecka was the best continuation of the Pan-Serbian Assembly held in Belgrade a month ago.

Our children from both sides of the Drina should always socialize through folk traditions and songs, and know that we are one nation that the Drina can never separate, said Milićević.

The President of the Municipality of Osečina, Nikola Tomić, thanked Milićević for everything he did to connect Serbian youth wherever they live in the world, and announced next week’s opening of a camp in Osečina for children from the diaspora owing to the support of Milićević’s office.

Several hundred participants danced kolo together in the yard of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the cultural and artistic program continuing late into the night in Pecka school courtyard.

Source and photo: Government of the Republic of Serbia