Seventh grade students of the Elementary School Aleksa Jakšić from Milići Elena Stjepanović, Milica Janković and Miloš Dizija won the third place in the final competition of the Nemanjići international quiz.

The Nemanjići project is the most massive cultural event of educational character that brings together young people from Serbia, Republic of Srpska, the region and Serbian diaspora with the purpose of preserving Serbian cultural and national identity.

The competition aims to expand and complete the knowledge of Serbian youth about all important topics not covered sufficiently in the regular educational program.

The Nemanjići quiz is organized by the Serbian Orthodox Church with the support of Serbian Ministry of Education and involvement of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska.

The director of this school, Radomir Madžarević, said that this student team had succeeded in demonstrating excellent knowledge.

The competition was hosted by the Studenica monastery.

Source: RTRS – SRNA

Photo: SRNA