The event Unity and Strength – Serbia will be held on the last Sunday of August in the House of the National Assembly in Belgrade, with more than 300 Serbian associations from all over the world expected to participate, announced the office of the minister without portfolio in the Serbian Government in charge of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević.

Yesterday, at the first consultative online meeting with representatives of Serbian diaspora associations from around the world, he informed the representatives of the relevant Serbian organizations in the region and the diaspora about event preparations.

Milićević said that the state leadership of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska and leadership of the Serbian Orthodox Church /SOC/ were expected to attend the gathering.

The event will discuss several important topics including business potentials of Serbia EXPO 2027 – Leap into the Future 2027 and role of the diaspora, the role of the diaspora in the process of preserving cultural, educational, national and religious identity, and the role of the diaspora in strengthening international reputation of the Republic of Serbia and preserving national and state interests.

Milićević noted the significance of Serbs, wherever they live, being aware of the importance of unity and united action of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, and of protecting the rights of compatriots in the region.

‘Dear friends, our unity and our strength lie in our shared vision and joint work. Therefore, I invite you all to support unitedly and unanimously the strategic conclusions of the Declaration adopted at the Pan-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade and the responsible policy pursued by our state leadership, at the upcoming Unity and Strength – Serbia gathering,’ Milićević said.

The online discussion, followed live by hundreds of citizens from the diaspora, in addition to Milićević, included representatives of Serbian associations from Austria – Aleksandar Saša Stanković, North Macedonia – Dalibor Kitanović, Hungary – Dijana Kondić Đurić, Greece – Katarina Božanić, Slovenia – Nikola Vlahović, Italy – Lidija Radovanović.

Representatives of Serbian associations from Croatia – Nada Filipović and Radmila Berić, Romania – Ognjan Krstić, Montenegro – Miro Lučić, Switzerland – Zvonimir Jovanović, Albania – Piro Nase and Sweden – Sveta Lazić also took part.

They thanked Milićević and the Serbian Government for their support in preserving the national and cultural identity of Serbs in the countries where they live.

The participants of the online meeting supported unanimously Milićević’s initiative that all Serbs, wherever they live, stand behind the Declaration of the Pan-Serbian Assembly.

Source and photo: SRNA