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Serbia Eliminated PCR Test Requirement for Residents of Countries of the Region

The Border Police was notified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia about new instructions for persons entering Serbia from countries affected by the coronavirus epidemic, which will enter into force on 14 January 2021. The citizens of BiH, Albania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro are allowed to enter Serbia without a PCR test, the BiH Border Police announced.

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15 Scholarships in Greece for Students from Srpska

The head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Greece, Jelena Jovanović, and the president of City College in Thessaloniki, Yannis Ververidis, signed today a protocol on cooperation providing for 15 scholarships for students from the Republic of Srpska at City College, York University Europe Campus. Five scholarships covering 50 percent of the tuition, are provided for undergraduate studies, master studies and MBA (MasterofBusinessadministration)

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Film The Witness Based on Testimony of Zoran Stanković

Today (20 May 2021), the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia made official the cooperation between the Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons and pathologist Zoran Stanković on shooting of the documentary The Witness by Denis Bojić, based on Stanković’s testimony and archival material on the horrors of war in BiH. Stanković said that the director had decided

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Cvijanović Wished a Happy Orthodox New Year

On the occasion of the Orthodox New Year 2021, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, extended greetings to all citizens of the Republic of Srpska celebrating according to the Julian calendar. - I extend my sincere greetings on the occasion of the upcoming 2021 to all citizens who celebrate according to the Julian calendar. I wish for the next year to bring everyone, first of all, good health, overall progress, personal and family happiness. In the belief that 2021 will be marked by unity, stability and prosperity, I salute you cordially - says the greeting of the President.

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Mlađen Cicović, Head of Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia, Delivered Today Books from Republic of Srpska to Kikinda Library

The Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia has been donating books from Republic of Srpska publishers to libraries in Serbia for eight years. About 10,000 books have been donated so far, and today books from the Republic of Srpska were delivered to the Jovan Popović Library in Kikinda. Before that, the President of the municipality, received a delegation of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia, headed by Mlađen Cicović, head of the Representation

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Day of the Republic of Srpska Marked Also in Canada

Дан Републике Српске обиљежен је и у Канади. Прву виртуелну прославу поводом 9. јануара организовао је Канадско-српски савез. Ова кровна организација канадских Срба упутила је честитке званичницима Српске, вјерујућем народу, и свимa онима који желе напредак Републици Српској. Ма гдје били и под чијом год заставом живјели, српска тробојка им је у срцу, а рођендан…

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Meeting Point of Tradition and Innovation in Industrial Production - Zvornik in RS Municipalities and Cities Scanning Project

The project of RS municipalities and cities scanning, implemented by the eKapija business portal in cooperation with the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, continues with the presentation of economic and development potentials of Zvornik. After Trebinje, Sokolac, Gradiška, Petrovo, Milići, also Zvornik has obtained a digital, economic ID card including and presenting its infrastructure projects, but also agricultural, tourism, cultural and

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Stoilković: Saint-Savaism Defines Identity of Serbs Wherever They Live

Срби у Сјеверној Македонији и ове године ће од 25. до 27. јануара достојанствено обиљежити свој национални празник – Дан Светог Саве, јер је Светосавље оно што одређује идентитет Срба и повезује их на свим просторима на којима живе, изјавио је Срни предсједник Демократске партије Срба у Сјеверној Македонији Иван Стоилковић. Стоилковић, који је посланик…

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Serbia Allocates EUR 484 Million for Projects in Srpska

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, said today in Istočno Sarajevo that Serbia allocated EUR 484 million for projects in Srpska. – At this moment, through the projects of HPP Buk Bijela, Rača-Bijeljina motorway and Trebinje airport, Serbia is investing about EUR 500 million, specifically 484 million – said Brnabić after the joint session of the governments of the Republic of Srpska

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