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Filipović-Ružičić: Possibility for Businessmen Cooperation

The head of the municipality of Jezero, Snežana Ružičić, spoke with the Head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Austria, Mladen Filipović, about connecting the firms from this local community with Austrian counterparts. Discussions were held also with businessmen engaged mainly in wood processing. The meeting voiced the importance of mutual support between the Republic of Srpska and its Austrian Representation, and noted that

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Srpska IDB Organizes First Investment Conference – Invest Srpska

The Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska is organizing the First Investment Conference – Invest Srpska. The conference will be held from 17 to 19 June 2021, at the Hotel San, in Laktaši. It is organized in six panels with the participation of renowned businessmen and politicians from the region, the European Union and China Development Bank. The first panel discussion deals with the topic of Investment Opportunities in the Republic of Srpska

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As of today, the company Ryanair has a new flight from Banja Luka to Gothenburg, which will operate twice a week, announced Banja Luka Airport. From July, Ryanair will operate flights on six more routes from Banja Luka to the following destinations: Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt, Milan, Memmingen and Vienna, twice a week each. As for the new line

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Agreement Concluded Between the University of Banja Luka and Towson University from USA

The University of Banja Luka signed an Agreement on Cooperation and Academic Exchanges with Towson University from the United States of America. The agreement stipulates that the contracting parties will work together on promoting educational and academic exchanges, academic information materials and publications, and encourage mutual educational visits. This agreement was concluded at the initiative of Bojan Vujić, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States of America (USA

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Independent International Commission Report on Srebrenica Released

The Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of all Peoples in the Srebrenica Region between 1992 and 1995 is available on the Commission’s website as well as on the website of the Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons. The Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons reminds that the Republic of Srpska Government issued the decision to establish the Commission based on the conclusions of the Republic Parliament, and was informed about the content of the Report at a special session on 11 June this year.

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Račić: We Brought the Fastest Growing Aarline to Banja Luka

In times of the coronavirus pandemic, we have tried and succeeded in bringing the fastest growing airline in Europe, said the director of the Republic of Srpska Airport, Milan Račić, as a guest in the RTRS Morning Program. On the eve of welcoming the first Wizz Air plane flying on the Dortmund-Banja Luka route, Račić pointed out that the flight would operate twice a week. – Among all this negative news regarding the coronavirus, we wanted

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The cultural and artistic society Una Novi Grad won a golden plaque at the 27th Balkan Folk Fest in Varna, Bulgaria, said the choreographer of the Novi Grad society, Siniša Jovanić, for Srna. Novi Grad representatives performed two choreographies: Bosilgradsko Gradište and Black Grass Games. This is the second time the Novi Grad society participates at Varna festival, and it won a golden plaque the first time at this festival in 2017.

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Delegation of Srpska and Serbia on the Problem of Serbian Returnees to Bosanski Petrovac

Delegations of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia visited the municipality of Bosanski Petrovac. The topic of the meeting was problems of Serb returnees to this Federation municipality. New funds for assistance have been provided by the Republic of Srpska, and assistance will also come from Serbia in the coming period. The Government of the Republic of Srpska has provided BAM 100,000 to solve the problem of infrastructure in Serb returnee settlements in

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Offiials Extend Greetings on Eid Al-Adha

Muslim believers are celebrating today the first day of Eid al-Adha, which lasts four days. This is the second of two major religious holidays celebrated by Muslims around the world. The President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, extended greetings to the religious officials of the Islamic Community in BiH and all believers, wishing that the days of Eid al-Adha encourage the spirit of unity, solidarity and strengthen the true values of mutual respect

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Perović: Citizens of Srpska Need not Fear, Sputnik V Will Arrive on Time

The arrival of a new contingent of Russian vaccines was confirmed by Duško Perović, head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Moscow, who pointed out that the arrival of 25,000 doses of the first component and the same quantity of the second component of Sputnik V had been announced. He noted that RS citizens needed not fear, because sufficient doses of the second component of the Russian vaccine needed for revaccination would arrive

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