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Representatives of Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation and Gradiška City Administration Met on Cooperation Establishment with Diaspora

A meeting with representatives of the Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation, RS Government, was held in the premises of the City Administration of the City of Gradiška. The Head of the Department for Institutional Cooperation and Diaspora, Helena Krnetić, and expert advisor Siniša Dragičević spoke with City Administration representatives about establishing organized communication and strengthening ties with the diaspora. In this regard, they discussed some activities that can contribute to strengthening mutual trust and ultimately result in cooperation in a wide array of activities, ranging from cooperation in nurturing common culture and tradition, to business partnerships and investments in the home country or local community of origin of diaspora members. Ministry representatives briefly presented previous activities implemented by the Ministry for the purpose of mapping and strengthening cooperation with the diaspora, and outlined all types of assistance that the Ministry can provide to local communities in the field of diaspora.

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Višković in St Petersburg on Possibilities and Potentials for Cooperation Improvement

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpska, Radovan Višković, started his working visit to St Petersburg by meeting with representatives of the St Petersburg Committee for External Relations. Višković and deputy chairman of the St Petersburg Committee for External Relations Andrey Dragomirovich Khlutkov discussed possibilities and potentials for improving cooperation between the Republic of Srpska and St Petersburg, and exchanged views on other topics, with a special focus on measures taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

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Branković: Preserve Serb Identity Roots in the Federation

Serb identity in the territory of today’s Federation of BiH goes back a long way and that is why it is necessary to preserve its roots, said for Srna one of the lecturers within the Serb Identity in BiH project, Boško Branković. Branković pointed out the fact that today the number of Serbs in FBiH was low in terms of percentage and that for the sake of future generations, it was necessary to pay more attention to the preservation of the Serb cultural and historical heritage in the territory of FBiH.

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Goverments of Serbia and Srpska Adopted Proposal Law on Serbian Language and Cyrillic Script

Preparations for 15 September – the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag – are well underway! The central event will be held at the monument to Stefan Nemanja in Belgrade, and include addresses by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, the Serb member of BiH Presidency, Milorad Dodik, and Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. The shared holiday of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia will be the day of adoption of the law on protection, preservation and use of the language of the Serb people and Cyrillic script. Approval by the two parliaments has been preceded by that of the two governments.

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Ćorić and Filipović: Systemic Support by Chamber of Commerce and Representative Office to Domestic Companies in Penetrating Austrian Market

Ћорић и Филиповић (фото - Привредна Комора Републике Српске)

Systemic support to enterprises interested in exporting to the Austrian market was the topic of a meeting between the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, Pero Ćorić, and the Head of the Representative Office of Srpska in the concerned country, Mladen Filipović. The meeting agreed that the Chamber and the Representation would jointly provide support to domestic firms wishing to place their products on the market of Austria, which is one of the most important foreign trade partners of the Republic of Srpska.

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Dodik: We Must Protect Our Language and Script

On the Serbian Unity Day – 15 September, the Republic of Srpska and Serbia will adopt the law on the protection of Cyrillic, said the Serb member of BiH Presidency, Milorad Dodik, in the show Aktuelno. He noted that the law included many innovations. – This is very important. The law includes many incentives related to Serbian language protection. That is nothing new

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Vučić Presented Preliminary Draft of Joint Law to Dodik

Додик-Вучић (фото:buducnostsrbije/ Instagram)

Today in Belgrade, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, presented to the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH, Milorad Dodik, a preliminary draft law on protection of the Serbian language and Cyrillic script, due to be adopted by the assemblies of Serbia and Republic of Srpska on National Unity Day, 15 September. Vučić noted on his Instagram account that he agreed with Dodik in today’s conversation that the

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Administration Will Continue to Support Serbian Students Studying Abroad

The solemn 24th OSSIlacija, the traditional summer gathering of members of the Organization of Serbian Students Abroad confirmed once more the long-standing successful cooperation between the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and OSSI. This year’s OSSilacija, which included a two-day regional Ex-Yu Youth Leadership Conference, gathered a large number of students from Serbia and the region.

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First Steps in Process of Protecting Serbian Language and Cyrillic Script

The text of the draft law on the protection, preservation and use of the language of the Serbian people and Serbian Cyrillic script is being harmonized with the provisions of the solutions proposed by Serbia, this was confirmed to Glas Srpske in the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska. The talk of the protection and use of the Serbian language and Cyrillic script was initiated a few years ago in Serbia, and then spilled over

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FBiH Attempt to Dispatch Serbs to History

At least 250,000 Serbs, originally from the Federation, could be left without land, forests and other property, due to the application of Article 58 of the FBiH Law on Real Rights – warns the President of the Committee for the Protection of Serb Rights in that entity, Đorđe Radanović. The disputed article allows the persons who have been using Serb-owned land illegally for ten, in some cases 20 years, to become owners of that property.

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