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Minister Zlatan Klokić on Serbia Calling Show about Republic of Srpska Diaspora

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation, Zlatan Klokić, was a guest on the Serbia Calling show on Radio Television of Serbia (RTS). The conversation focused on relations of the Republic of Srpska as the second motherland or, in addition to Serbia, another motherland of Serbs in the diaspora, on mutual cooperation, diaspora potentials, what the Republic of Srpska is doing in strengthening the ties and

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Minister Klokić at Dvogledi Podcast about Republic of Srpska Diaspora

Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation Zlatan Klokić participated in the Munich podcast Dvogledi speaking about the diaspora of the Republic of Srpska, the Diaspora Register, and many other activities in the field of cooperation with the diaspora. Minister Klokić said that the goal of the Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation was to connect the diaspora and present the Republic

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Kozarans Meeting in Belgrade

The 45th Meeting of Kozarans was held in Belgrade, and attended by the Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Srpska, Senka Jujić, and representatives and delegations from Banja Luka, Prijedor, Gradiška, Laktaši, Kozarska Dubica, Novi Grad, Kostajnica, the diaspora and Serbia. This traditional event is organized by the Association of Kozarans in Belgrade, and this year’s host is the municipality of Novi Grad. The Meeting of Kozarans in Belgrade

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Students from Modriča Win Nemanjići International Quiz Competition

Students of the Sveti Sava elementary school from Modriča are the winners of the fourth season of the Nemanjići International Quiz Competition. In the final held in Banja Luka from 16 to 19 May, the Modriča students proved to know the most about the suffering of Serbs in the 20th century and beat the Banja Luka elementary school Ivo Andrić. The winning team Svetosavci of the Modriča elementary school Sveti

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25th European Festival of Serbian Diaspora Folklore Held in Novi Sad

The city of Novi Sad hosted the 25th European Festival of Serbian Diaspora Folklore, which gathered over 2,000 participants from the Serbian diaspora and the region. This largest and most significant cultural event of the Serbian diaspora gathers the youth living outside their homeland. This year, 37 ensembles from seven European countries performed in the competition part and six in the revue

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Serb Diaspora - Shared National and State Interest

The Serb diaspora is a shared national and state interest of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, which makes a joint institutional approach towards our compatriots abroad very important, announced today the Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, and the Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the area of Serbia’s relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević.

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Serb Students Living in Vienna Visited Ivo Andrić Elementary School: Cyrillic Practice while Hanging Out with Peers

Hanging out with peers and cultivating the Serbian language, Cyrillic alphabet, and traditions and roots were the main goals of the visit to the Ivo Andrić Elementary School, organized by the Serbian Educational and Cultural Association Prosvjeta Austria for about forty elementary school students from Vienna. This society has been running a Serbian language school in Vienna for years, and after a three year delay, they managed to

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Diaspora Vidovdan Assembly on 1 and 2 July in Belgrade

Serbian Government minister in charge of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, and representatives of more than 130 Serbian diaspora associations from all over the world agreed at a meeting on details of the Diaspora Vidovdan Assembly, to be held on 1 and 2 July in Belgrade. Milićević thanked everyone for their proposals and suggestions during the online consultation meeting

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Slavic Literacy and Culture Day Celebrated

The Day of Slavic Literacy and Culture is celebrated in memory of the Thessaloniki brothers Cyril and Methodius, who are responsible for spreading literacy. It is very important to remember the significance of nurturing the Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet, to which each of us should contribute. The love for language and alphabet develops from an early age. This was also confirmed

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Klokić: Promote Economic Potential Abroad

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said today that Srpska’s representative offices abroad, primarily those in Austria and Germany, would be asked to organize events to promote the economic potential of Srpska abroad. Klokić told journalists in Banja Luka that the representative offices where

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