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New Srpska-Serbia Cooperation Memorandum Coming Soon for Stronger Ties with Diaspora

The Government of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Information on the preparation of a new memorandum on cooperation between the Republic of Srpska and Serbia in the field of strengthening ties with the diaspora. The Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation and the Office of the minister without portfolio responsible for coordinating activities and measures in the field

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Third Investment Conference INVEST SRPSKA

The Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska, with the support of the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is organizing the Third Investment Conference INVEST SRPSKA, announced the IDBRS. The Conference will be held from 30 October to 1 November 2023 under this year’s slogan Our Vision = Srpska, at the Kardial Hotel in Banja Vrućica, Teslić. The Conference will bring together the most important decision-makers, representatives of local

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Herzeg House Opened in Belgrade

У Београду је отворена четврта Херцеговачка кућа – продавница аутохтоне домаће хране. Херцеговачку кућу отворили су градоначелници Требиња и Београда – Мирко Ћурић и Александар Шапић и директор Аграрног фонда Веселин Дутина на атрактивној локацији у улици Макензијева 44. Градоначелник Требиња Ћурић је рекао да се отварањем „Херцеговачке куће“ на симболичан начин повезују Република Српска…

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Ministers Klokić and Milićević on Cooperation with Diaspora

Minister Zlatan Klokić met today in his office with Đorđe Milićević, the minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora. The topic of the meeting was the establishment of a working group to deal with the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Governments of Srpska and Serbia with the aim of strengthening the motherland and the diaspora. The Memorandum was

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Minister Klokić at Roundtable on Lobbying: Challenges and Perspectives

A roundtable was held yesterday in the conference hall of the Banja Luka Regional Chamber of Commerce, on the topic of Lobbying: Challenges and Perspectives, and attended by Minister Zlatan Klokić, Minister of Finance Zora Vidović, President of the Banja Luka Regional Chamber of Commerce Goran Račić, Nenad Novaković from Banja Luka College and many other participants. In the Republic of Srpska, it is necessary to legally regulate the area of

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Guests from Pielachtal Visited Days of Drvar Cornelian Cherry

The 22nd economic and tourism event Days of Drvar Cornelian Cherry was held in Drvar, and numerous guests included representatives of the Austrian Pielachtal region, renowned for the cultivation and production of this medicinal fruit. The creator of the event, Zoran Pećanac, says that, during the holding of this event, numerous guests from the Republic of Srpska and the region had the opportunity to become acquainted

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Learning about Religion and Tradition with Cyrillic Alphabet

In the previous three years, the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region opened 34 supplementary Serbian language schools around the world, in the Canary Islands, Malta, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Russia. These schools are part of the work system of Serbian Ministry of Education. Arnaud Gouillon, Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in

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Klokić: Ministry Recognized the Importance of New Technologies

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said that the Republic of Srpska, if it wanted to become part of the developed and technologically advanced world, had to start looking at digitization, artificial intelligence and cyber security as an integral part of all socio-economic processes. Opening Infosec, the conference on information security in Jahorina, which gathered 190 participants from the territory of Serbia,

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Milićević: Continuous Conversation Required with Our People in Diaspora

Minister without portfolio in charge of relations with the diaspora Đorđe Milićević said that a continuous conversation with our people in the diaspora was required, and for cooperation to be based on understanding, respect and appreciation. ‘Not only for our compatriots who live outside of Serbia to hear Serbia, but also for Serbia to hear what our compatriots who live outside of Serbia think and need

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Opened Environmental and Educational Thematic Camp for Youth from the Region and Diaspora

The Minister without portfolio in charge of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, together with the President of the Municipality of Boljevac, Dr Nebojša Marjanović, opened a thematic environmental and educational camp for youth from the region and the diaspora, gathering young Serbs from seven countries. This is one of 22 camps in cities and municipalities throughout Serbia, whose organization was funded by the Government through

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