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Morava’s First 25 Years

Ова година код чланова Српског хуманитарног и културног друштва Морава из Штутгарта у Њемачкој је у знаку обиљежавања 25 година постојања, 25 година лијепог дружења уз три генерације, 25 успјешних година, 25 година хуманитарног рада, 25 година његовања културе и традиције свога народа, те 25 година одличне сарадње са њемачким институцијама. Много тога се издешавало…

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Cicović: Leadership and People of Serbia Have Almost Identical Understanding of Position of Srpska

The Head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, said that he was satisfied with the work of the Representation in the outgoing year, that Srpska and Serbia had never had better relations at all levels, and announced a new project Zavičajni Klub (homeland club) for next year.

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Dupljaci Play Premiered in Chicago

The play Dupljaci opened officially the Serbian Drama Theater. The premiere of the long-awaited play Dupljaci took place in Chicago before the packed hall of the Nikola Tesla Sports and Cultural Center Lyons. This was the first performance by the Serbian Drama Theater, a recently founded, new, third Chicago amateur theater. This play officially opened the Nikola Tesla Sports and Cultural Center

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Banja Luka and Zvornik Products Available in Vienna

Products of the companies Vitaminka from Banja Luka and Vitinka from Kozluk are now available in several outlets of the Spar retail chain in Vienna. Cooperation with one of the largest retail chains in Austria was negotiated with the support of the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Austria. Two successful companies from the Republic of Srpska have placed part of their product range and some

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Jubilee 25th St Sava Ball on 18 January in Vienna

Following the great success of the St Sava Ball premiere, which took place in the ceremonial chambers of the Hofburg Palace for the first time in its long tradition at the beginning of this year, the jubilee 25th edition of the ball will also be held there on 18 January 2024, in the presence of numerous participants and an even larger number of visitors, the organizers announced. This important event’s organizers from the Serbian

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Returnees 2023 – Meeting and Networking

On 11 November, two Returnees 2023 conferences were held in Novi Sad, through projects implemented by the Citizens’ Association Povratnici (returnees) 2022 from Futog. One of the activities was the organization of conferences, which brought together returnees from the diaspora, representatives of the diaspora, religious organizations, cultural organizations, citizens’ associations dealing with diaspora and motherland matters, and other public

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Preservation of Serbian Identity, Language, Culture and Tradition throughout Austria

The Festival of Children’s Folklore Ensembles of Austria was held in front of several thousand people in Vienna last weekend. Children’s, youth and mixed ensembles with over 750 participants performed in the competition and non-competition part of the program. Eleven cultural, artistic and educational societies from Austria were present. The ceremonial opening of the event was attended by the Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities

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Gouillon: Diaspora Is Not Remittance Statistics, but Real People that Serbia Cares About

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, spoke in Vienna at the Austrian Children’s Folklore Ensembles Festival telling the Serbs in this country that the motherland cared for them and did not reduce them to statistics on remittances. ‘The diaspora consists of real families, children for whom we want to fight so

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Grozdić: We Want to Ensure Use of Serbian Language and Cyrillic Alphabet

After a meeting with the extended program committee of the Vuk Karadžić Scientific, Educational and Cultural Centre in Tršić, the State Secretary at the Serbian Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Vukašin Grozdić, said that the Ministry wanted to ensure future use of the Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet. – We want to ensure that the Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet will be in

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Exhibition by Serbian Artists in Vienna

We invite you to visit the Steiner Gallery in Vienna on Thursday, 16 November, where the works of contemporary Serbian artists are exhibited. The exhibition entitled Resonance Serbian Contemporary Echo is organized in cooperation with the Serbian Sanjaj Gallery and with the support of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Austria. On Thursday, from 19:00 to 22:00hrs, the visitors will

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