To celebrate Mother Language Day, students from the French Paris Region conducted an interesting free activity. Students from different educational points gathered via the Zoom platform to discover the richness and importance of our folk literature.
‘The goal of the gathering was to become acquainted with short folklore forms and show their beauty and importance in the education and upbringing of children. After the introductory association, focus was on lyric folk poems, riddles, fables, conundrums and proverbs,’ said the teachers of the Paris Region Serbian Supplementary School.
Then the students cited interesting examples and analyzed each literary genre separately. ‘In the final part of the gathering, we could all see how much the students had actually enjoyed and paid attention during the activity because they answered the quiz in the blink of an eye. We commend all students for their participation, dedication and demonstrated knowledge, and we thank parents for their support and cooperation,’ added the teachers from the Paris region.
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