Zlatan Klokić, Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, rated the cooperation with Serbia in terms of the diaspora as successful, and noted that significant dates for Srpska and Serbia would continue to be celebrated together, sending a message of unity.

– Our goal is to gather our people and let them know that the Republic of Spska and Serbia are behind them wherever they are – Klokić told reporters in Banja Luka after meeting with the minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević.

Klokić recalled that the two ministries had signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the governments of Srpska and Serbia at the Pan-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade with the aim of strengthening diaspora ties.

Milićević said that the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People adopted at the joint session of the governments of Serbia and Srpska was precisely termed.

According to him, various comments can be heard after the adoption of this declaration, aimed at harming Srpska and Serbia and causing destabilization.

– At no time at the Pan-Serbian Assembly did we think or speak, not to mention aimed to work against anyone. We have defined national goals. Our national goal is to preserve peace and stability at all costs – Milićević added.

He said that one of the goals was the fight for the future of the Serbian people, as well as the economy, where a lot could be done.

Milićević says that it is important to define a joint action strategy in the coming period, each within the area for which they are responsible in the two governments.

He believes that the signed Memorandum is the crown of cooperation between the two ministries, which defines the joint mechanisms of Srpska and Serbia to strengthen the existing ties and create even stronger ones between the motherland and compatriots living outside Serbia.

– Each time I am in Srpska, I have never considered myself a guest here, and that is what I told Zlatan that he was never a guest in Serbia. Just as he is at his own in Serbia, so am I at my own in Banja Luka. We are the same people – Milićević said.

He stated that the Drina was a river connecting Serbia and Srpska, and that significant dates had been defined for the ministries to jointly participate in organizing events.

– In a period when we are exposed to great pressures, challenges and temptations, the most important thing is unity. We have always been as strong and powerful as we are united – noted Milićević.

He added that the end of August and beginning of September would see organization of a gathering of associations and umbrella organizations of Serbs outside of Serbia under the slogan United Wherever We Are.

At a joint session held within the Pan-Serbian Assembly, the governments of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia adopted the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People.

Source: RTRS – SRNA

Photo: Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation