The largest Serb club in Upper Austria, the Serbian sport and culture club Nikola Tesla from Linz, held a regular assembly and elected a new board of directors, headed by the president. After more than three hours of debate, Radenko Drinić, who had headed this association twice already, was unanimously elected president.

Decision was made also about the leadership of the youth section of this association, and the management will consist of a total of 20 members. They expressed their readiness to continue working not only to keep the current membership, but also to attract new, especially young members.

– I accepted to head again the club which has been recognizable primarily for youth, practically since its founding. I will try to make this our most important objective in this mandate as well, and to revive even more the youth part of the association, which has demonstrated its importance. First of all, I expect good cooperation among us in the management, because that is the only way for the association to achieve its objectives. After all, family atmosphere comes first with us because many families have been part of the club since its founding – said the new-old president Radenko Drinić, who thanked particularly the former management headed by the former president Neđo Nikolić for everything they had done, especially in difficult times caused by the pandemic.

Drinić will be assisted in his duties by Danjel Milošević and Miroslav Bugarin. The secretary of the club is Nataša Sandić, who will be assisted by Dragan Bojić. Marko Lalović, Jovo Jeremić and Gordana Račanović will head the treasury. The largest is the cultural section consisting of Brankica Savić, Natalija Vujanović, Zorica Maleš, Isidora Maksimović, Dijana Narić, Milica Tuvić and Tatjana Drljača. Dragomir Ljuboja, Dragan Drlјača and Zoran Narić are procurement clerks. Danko Delić will be responsible for cooperation with provincial institutions. Neđo Nikolić, together with Nenad Jelić, was elected to the control commission, while the board of directors will determine later the duties of Dejan Nikšić and Darko Jurišić. Finally, Nikolina Sandić, Bojan Jeremić and Elena Narić were elected to head the youth section.

The new management was elected for two years, as provided by the statute of the Linz club.

Gratitude to former management

The past two years were very difficult for everyone and for the Tesla club, mostly due to corona, which practically stopped all activities. Despite that, the association succeeded in preserving its membership and settling all obligations, primarily regarding the lease of the premises. All those present, led by the president of the working group Danko Delić and the newly elected board of directors, thanked the management headed by Neđo Nikolić during those two years, which had succeeded in overcoming all problems.

Source: VESTI online

Photo: D. Pašić