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Srpska IDB Organizes First Investment Conference – Invest Srpska

The Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska is organizing the First Investment Conference – Invest Srpska. The conference will be held from 17 to 19 June 2021, at the Hotel San, in Laktaši. It is organized in six panels with the participation of renowned businessmen and politicians from the region, the European Union and China Development Bank. The first panel discussion deals with the topic of Investment Opportunities in the Republic of Srpska

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Filipović: Quality of Republic of Srpska Products Recognized in Austria

Like other European countries, Austria is facing certain challenges and increased unemployment despite the measures of support of the Austrian government, says Mladen Filipović, Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria, in an interview. Filipović added that most challenges lay in the tourism and hospitality sector, which naturally affected also the employment of citizens from the Republic of Srpska.

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Filipović: Possible Business Cooperation with Austrian Partners

The Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria, Mladen Filipović, talked with the head of the municipality of Mrkonjić Grad, Dragan Vođević, about the possibility of cooperation between business entities from this local community and partners from Austria. Filipović also spoke with businessmen – it was concluded that they had something to offer to the Austrian market. Source and photo: RTRS

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As of today, the company Ryanair has a new flight from Banja Luka to Gothenburg, which will operate twice a week, announced Banja Luka Airport. From July, Ryanair will operate flights on six more routes from Banja Luka to the following destinations: Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt, Milan, Memmingen and Vienna, twice a week each. As for the new line

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Agreement Concluded Between the University of Banja Luka and Towson University from USA

The University of Banja Luka signed an Agreement on Cooperation and Academic Exchanges with Towson University from the United States of America. The agreement stipulates that the contracting parties will work together on promoting educational and academic exchanges, academic information materials and publications, and encourage mutual educational visits. This agreement was concluded at the initiative of Bojan Vujić, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States of America (USA

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Independent International Commission Report on Srebrenica Released

The Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of all Peoples in the Srebrenica Region between 1992 and 1995 is available on the Commission’s website as well as on the website of the Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons. The Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons reminds that the Republic of Srpska Government issued the decision to establish the Commission based on the conclusions of the Republic Parliament, and was informed about the content of the Report at a special session on 11 June this year.

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Cicović: Important Joint Fight Against Coronavirus

Since yesterday, all citizens of the Republic of Srpska and Federation of BiH can be vaccinated anywhere and anytime in Serbia free of charge, and receive a certificate, just like the citizens of Serbia. The head of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, told RTRS that yesterday already a large number of citizens responded to the invitation of Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić. – This news is

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Ravasi: Sava Will Lobby for Serbian Interests

The first political organization of Serbs in the USA, the Serbian American Voters Alliance Sava, aims to lobby for Serbian interests and find American politicians who will be friendly disposed towards the interests of the Serbian-American diaspora, said the president and founder of this newly founded organization, Olga Ravasi.

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Košarac Commends Activities of Srpska Representative Office in Vienna

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, noted that activities of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Vienna and their continuous efforts to promote Srpska’s economic, business and cultural potentials were recognizable, thus contributing to strengthening economic ties and increasing foreign trade between BiH and Austria. – The Republic of Srpska Representation in Vienna best contributes to the improvement of economic ties between Srpska and Austria, and to connecting domestic and Austrian businessmen. Special importance lies with the segment of connecting the institutions of the Republic of Srpska and Austria, and promotion and presence of domestic products at the Austrian market – said Košarac, currently on a two-day visit to Vienna, after meeting with the head of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Austria, Mladen Filipović.

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Račić: We Brought the Fastest Growing Aarline to Banja Luka

In times of the coronavirus pandemic, we have tried and succeeded in bringing the fastest growing airline in Europe, said the director of the Republic of Srpska Airport, Milan Račić, as a guest in the RTRS Morning Program. On the eve of welcoming the first Wizz Air plane flying on the Dortmund-Banja Luka route, Račić pointed out that the flight would operate twice a week. – Among all this negative news regarding the coronavirus, we wanted

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