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More than EUR 75,000 for Serb Farmers in FBIH

Assistance to Serbs in the Federation of BiH is coming from Serbia. The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, signed agreements with representatives of three Serb organizations from the Federation of BiH, on co-financing agricultural and livestock projects. The value of the signed agreements exceeds EUR 75,000. The idea to support agricultural and livestock projects originated after

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Piano Recital by Arsen Čarkić

On the second day (12 October 2021) of the Chopin Festival, professor at the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka Arsen Čarkić held a piano recital in the hall of the City of Belgrade Assembly. ‘I am pleased to have been a participant in the jubilee Chopin Fest. The ten-year tradition of this music festival is indicative of not only an excellent organization, but also of interest of the audience that recognizes quality artistic content – said

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Institutions Connect in Campaign to Protect Serb Propert Rights in the Federation

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, and Assistant Director Nikolina Milatović Popović visited the Republic Commissariat for Refugees and Migration where they spoke with Commissioner Vladimir Cucić and Director of the provincial Fund for Refugees, Displaced Persons and Cooperation with Serbs in the Region Duško Ćutilo. The main topic was the campaign for the protection of property rights

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Patriarch Porfirije: Serbs in America to Preserve Awareness of Unity and Culture

His Holiness, Serbian Patriarch Porfirije extended congratulations to the Cathedral of St. Stephen the First-Crowned in Alhambra, near Los Angeles, on its 75th anniversary of consecration, and invited the Serbs in America to preserve the awareness of unity of the Serbian people, as well as culture and way of life. The Patriarch wrote on his Instagram account that on the previous day the exquisite Alhambra Cathedral of St. Stephen the First-Crowned in Los Angeles

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Srpska Has Obligation and Right to Protect Serbian Language and Cyrillic Script

One of the strategic orientations of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska is to protect and preserve the Serbian language and Cyrillic script, said tonight in Istočno Sarajevo the Assistant Minister of Culture of Srpska, Tanja Đaković. Đaković said that many initiatives had been launched for that reason, ranging from the Forum on the Cyrillic Script to the signing of the Charter on the single cultural space with Serbia

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Sajić Spoke With Diaspora Representatives

Consul General of BiH in Munich, Vera Sajić, spoke with representatives of the diaspora, presidents of seven associations operating in the territory of this city and gathering the citizens of BiH, Republic of Srpska and Republic of Serbia for many years. The meeting at the BiH Consulate General in Munich was attended by the presidents of KUD Sveti Sava – Goran Kavržić, Kolo – Miljan Janković, Soko – Siniša

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Threatened Serb Property in FBiH worth about Seven Million BAM

The Office for Professional Legal Aid to Refugees, Displaced Persons and Other Persons from the Federation of BiH of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs in Istočno Sarajevo has received about 700 requests for free legal aid to date, and value of the disputed property is estimated at about seven million BAM, said for Srna the Director of the Administration, Bosiljka Predragović. – These

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Cvijanović: Small but Harmonious Serbian Community in Hungary is a Shining Example

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, said that it was always nice to see people gathered around common values, traditions and culture, and emphasized that the small but harmonious Serbian community in Hungary could serve as a shining example. In her address at the beginning of the KUD Taban concert at the Mom Cultural Center in Budapest, President Cvijanović expressed satisfaction for

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Cvijanović: EUR 25,000 from President of the Republic Budget for Serbian Gymnasium in Budapest

On the second day of her stay in Budapest, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, visited the Serbian Gymnasium Nikola Tesla. On her Instagram account, Cvijanović expressed her satisfaction with the opportunity to visit this school. – I expressed deep respect and gratitude to the management of the Serbian school for everything they do to preserve Serbian national identity in Hungary. In the budget of the President

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