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The cultural and artistic society Una Novi Grad won a golden plaque at the 27th Balkan Folk Fest in Varna, Bulgaria, said the choreographer of the Novi Grad society, Siniša Jovanić, for Srna. Novi Grad representatives performed two choreographies: Bosilgradsko Gradište and Black Grass Games. This is the second time the Novi Grad society participates at Varna festival, and it won a golden plaque the first time at this festival in 2017.

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Offiials Extend Greetings on Eid Al-Adha

Muslim believers are celebrating today the first day of Eid al-Adha, which lasts four days. This is the second of two major religious holidays celebrated by Muslims around the world. The President of the Republic of Srpska, Želјka Cvijanović, extended greetings to the religious officials of the Islamic Community in BiH and all believers, wishing that the days of Eid al-Adha encourage the spirit of unity, solidarity and strengthen the true values of mutual respect

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Revived in the book Serbian Folk Tales, the world of Serbian tradition and folklore presents three tales: The Maiden Who Outwitted the King, Fate, and The Emperor Trojan’s Goat’s Ears, which are a treasure trove of wisdom for the youngest and older readers alike. This interesting and instructive reading was written in Serbian, but each of the three fairytales has been translated into English and

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Majevica Plum at European Market

The plum from Majevica is on its way to the European market again this year. The harvest of the early variety was completed and about 200 tons of first class were delivered to the European Union. These days saw beginning of the harvest of the Čačak beauty, which is of good quality, but smaller than previous years due to drought. However, fruit growers are satisfied and expect a good income, the price is

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Tradition Torn from Oblivion; Return to Watermills in Ribnik

The seventh Return to Watermills event in Treskavac near the municipality of Ribnik. This year again it gathered inhabitants of this village and attracted visitors from various parts. In this almost deserted village at the foot of Dimitor Mountain, time seems to have stopped. Even today, more than a century old stone wooden houses are still standing. This ethno mark is precisely why many gladly come to

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Gold Medal for Serbian Heritage Academy of Canada

As a special envoy of President Aleksandar Vučić, the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Canada, Dejan Ralević, presented the Gold Medal to the Serbian Heritage Academy of Canada, which this year marks 40 years of existence. On that occasion, the Consulate General in Toronto organized a ceremony in accordance with the prescribed measures for protection against the coronavirus. The awarding was also attended by the Consul General of Serbia in Toronto

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Agreement to Continue Fighting for Rights of Serbs Wherever They Live

Representatives of SNSD and United Srpska signed agreements on cooperation with the Democratic Party of Serbs in North Macedonia. The meeting pointed out that Srpska would continue to protect national interests of Serbs in Macedonia and of Serbian people around the world. Preserving Serbian identity is a task, and unity is a precondition. According to the signatories, the agreement is the result of many years of cooperation and fight

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About 400,000 Serbs Have Title to Property in FBiH; Campaign in Diaspora Soon

Serbian Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region will soon launch an institutional, media and social media campaign to help institutions of the Republic of Srpska protect the property of Serbs in the Federation of BiH. About 400,000 Serbs have title to real estate in the Federation of BiH, and this topic was discussed today at a conference in Belgrade,

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Kusturica at World Folkloriada in Bashkiria

Director Emir Kusturica and his No Smoking Orchestra performed as special guests at the closing ceremony of the 6th CIOFF World Folkloriada, which was held for the first time in Russia, in the Republic of Bashkiria. The organizers remind that this was Kusturica’s second visit to Bashkiria, and that he previously performed at the Heart of Eurasia festival in 2019 and met with

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This Year’s Tesla Global Forum 2021 Ceremonially Opened and White Dove and Tesla Silver Coin Presented

The 9th Tesla Global Forum 2021 festival was opened yesterday in the ceremonial hall of the Matica Srpska library, in Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. The ninth Tesla Global Forum 2021 festival lasts from 9 to 12 July and is dedicated to popularizing the scientific, inventive, educational, cultural and spiritual heritage of Nikola Tesla. The Tesla Global Forum Association brings together also this year students

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