A Vidovdan Academy organized by the Union of Serbs of Romania was held in the USR Serbian Cultural Center in Timisoara.

The attendees at the Timisoara Vidovdan Academy included also the Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation, Zlatan Klokić.

As part of the academy, the most important recognition awarded by this Union, the Vidovdan Charters, were ceremoniously presented to deserving individuals for their outstanding commitment and contribution. The Serb Union of Romania awarded its most significant recognition, the Vidovdan Charter, to the Minister in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Đorđe Milićević, for his exceptional merits and dedicated work on strengthening ties between the motherland and Serbs living in the region and the diaspora.

Thanking for the recognition, Milićević said that he was particularly proud because ‘Vidovdan is a day that symbolizes the greatness, strength and courage of our people’.

‘The Vidovdan of 1389 was an attempt to subjugate and kill us, but also a failure to understand the steadfastness of the Serbian spirit. Other powers and conquerors could not understand this throughout the centuries, just as some do not understand even today. That is why we celebrate Vidovdan, not by marking it quietly as a day of defeat, but as victors, as a nation that has managed to rise up and defend its freedom and pride. The heroes who had chosen the kingdom of heaven instead of the earthly one in 1389 are our inspiration today, we draw strength and energy from their heroism. They taught us honor and heroism, not to surrender, and surrender is never our option. And this Vidovdan 2024, we should celebrate more vigorously than ever, proud of the courageous and decisive fight of the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, to defend national and state interests. With wise and rational decisions, President Vučić preserves peace and stability, and fights for progress thinking of every citizen of Serbia, preserving our national unity because we are always as strong as we are united. At the time of the biggest geopolitical crisis after the Second World War, with the big ones insisting that the little ones choose a side and be subjugated, Serbia preserves its freedom, sovereignty and independence. We are proud of our people, proud of Serbs wherever they live, but also proud of all our fellow citizens of 24 national minorities who have their National Councils in Serbia. That is the truth and that is our policy,’ said Milićević at the ceremony held in Timisoara.

The Minister noted that ‘wherever they live, the Serbian people must be united in their goals and efforts that we defined at the Pan-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade’.

– National and political unity is the key to our survival and progress. We must be tightly knit, support each other and act as one, bearing in mind the welfare of our people and our motherland at all times. We must also respect the countries we live in and the peoples we live with as good neighbors, brothers and friends – stated Milićević.

The presence of a Republic of Srpska minister is another indicator of good cooperation between the two governments, and a united approach of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska towards our compatriots in the region and the diaspora.

Source: Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation – Radio Television of Serbia

Photo: Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation