In Bosanski Petrovac, computers were presented to 15 best students of Orthodox religious education from nine municipalities of the Federation of BiH. The computers were donated by the Government of Vojvodina.

The fifteen laptops were presented to students from Glamoč, Livno, Bosansko Grahovo, Drvar, Bosanski Petrovac, Bihać, Bosanska Krupa, Ključ and Sanski Most.

The computers were donated by the Government of Vojvodina, through its Fund for Refugees and Displaced Persons and Cooperation with Serbs in the Region.

– We wanted to provide support to children in the Federation attending religious education, and in a way to wish them a lot of success in the upcoming school year by presenting this donation – said the Director of the Fund, Duško Ćutilo.

The Government of Vojvodina’s Fund also announced organizing a children’s camp in Serbia for Serb children from the region.

Source and photo: RTRS