The Homeland Days event, which nurtures the culture and tradition of Serbs west of the Drina in Bačka, opened officially last evening in Subotica.

The ceremonial academy on the occasion of Homeland Days opening in the Great Hall of Subotica City Hall was attended also by the Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, who said that such meetings best preserved Serbian culture and tradition and showed how to keep the connection with the homeland and promote it in a new environment.

– It is clear to you all that the most important tasks for all of us are those related to preserving our identity, culture, tradition, our customs, our Serbian language and Cyrillic, our Orthodox religion, because only like that we will know with certainty the best way to define all that is economic development and progress of our Republic of Srpska and our Serbia – said Cicović.

‘We were fortunate that the two leaderships, those of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia headed by president /of the Republic of Srpska Milorad/ Dodik and president /of Serbia Aleksandar/ Vučić, had recognized on time all the temptations and all the challenges and undertook on time everything required to work on preserving our identity, culture and tradition, on our survival’, said Cicović.

Noting that relations between the Republic of Srpska and Serbia had never been better, Cicović stated that the Republic of Srpska and Serbia were working together on marking all significant dates in Serbian history, on establishing cultural memory and remembrance culture.

– The Republic of Srpska and Serbia celebrate together the Day of Serbian Unity, the day of our flag, the tricolor crowned with glory – said Cicović.

The Mayor of Subotica, Stevan Bakić, also greeted the gathering, stating that Homeland Days were growing year after year into a festival that enriched Subotica’s festival offer and significantly contributed to the affirmation of that city and Serbia.

The Union of North Bačka District Serb Associations, which organizes the Homeland Days event with the support of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia, presented the Head of the Representation, Mlađen Cicović, with a certificate for his outstanding contribution to the development and preservation of Serbian culture and heritage.

This year’s 11th Homeland Days will have a rich program until 7 September.

The Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia has been providing support to the Homeland Days event from the very beginning, as well as to the event organizer, the Union of North Bačka District Serb Associations in all activities by contributing actively to its operation and development.

Source: RTRS – SRNA

Photo: Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia