A two-day event under the slogan Unity and Strength – Serbia opened in Belgrade.

It was said that thanks to presidents Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić the relations between the Republic of Srpska and Serbia had never been better and more concrete.

Among the attendees were Serbs from the countries of the region and 250 associations and organizations gathering the Serbian diaspora around the world.

The event was attended by the Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska Zlatan Klokić and head of Srpska’s Representative Office in Austria Mladen Filipović. Opening formally the event in the House of the National Assembly, Serbian Prime Minister Miloš Vučević noted the need for all-Serbian unity.

Through unity of the Serbian people, it is necessary to strengthen the ties of Serbia and Srpska with the Serbian diaspora in all segments.

– We need to hear what they see as an obstacle in our institutions at the local and republic level, and what we need to change in order to further improve our business environment, above all for the people living and working abroad – said Zlatan Klokić, Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska.

The Republic of Srpska has a Registry of its people in the diaspora and they are a significant potential and can contribute to the development of Srpska.

Austria has one of the largest Serbian diasporas. Businessmen from this country are increasingly interested in investing in Srpska and Serbia.

– In September, a large delegation of businessmen of Serbian origin will visit Banja Luka. Thus we strive not only to bring them closer to the economic flows in Srpska and Serbia, but also to involve them. They are great patriots – stated Mladen Filipović, head of Srpska’s Representation in Austria.

Let us come together both here and elsewhere, strive to be one, expand our horizons, be aware that the Church is the fundamental value on which our society rests – said the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, whose blessing was conveyed to those present by His Grace, Vicar Bishop Hilarion of Novo Brdo.

Speaking as the envoy of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Vučević stated that now more than ever, the Serbian people needed unity and strength in order to survive not in material, but also in essential, that is, in the sense of life.

– We desperately need unity, to heal from the malignancy of division and diversity – said Vučević.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vulin, said that he asked only one thing from those attending this gathering – to be Serbs, to testify to the truth about their people and to teach their children the same.

Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, noted the importance of Serbs’ awareness, wherever they live, of the importance of unity and the united action of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, in addition to the protection of the rights of compatriots in the region.

This gathering is not only a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences, but also a symbol of our common determination to work on preserving national and cultural identity, as well as on strengthening economic, educational and scientific ties between Serbia and the diaspora, Milićević stated.

He said that joint building of a strong Serbia continued and that Serbia hoped for their return, not only through investments and resources.

– I believe Serbia’s future to be bright. Serbia’s strength is in our unity – emphasized Milićević.

The gathering, organized by the office of the Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, was attended by the President of the Serbian Parliament Ana Brnabić, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Vice President of the Government of North Macedonia Ivan Stoilković.

The panels held included: business potentials of Serbia EXPO 2027 – Leap into the Future 2027 and role of the diaspora, the role of the diaspora in the process of preserving cultural, educational, national and religious identity, and the role of the diaspora in strengthening international reputation of the Republic of Serbia and preserving national and state interests.

Belgrade on diaspora importance yesterday at Unity and Strength – Serbia event.

Minister Klokić, together with Serbian Minister of the Interior, Ivica Dačić, minister without portfolio in charge of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, and Secretary General of Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dušan Kozarev, participated in the panel on the role of the diaspora in strengthening international reputation of the Republic of Serbia and preserving national and state interests.

The office of the minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, announced yesterday that the Unity and Strength – Serbia event adopted conclusions and guidelines for further ties strengthening between the motherland and compatriots in the diaspora.

The Serbs from the diaspora noted their absolute and unreserved support to the leadership of Serbia and Republic of Srpska in implementing the decisions of the Pan-Serbian Assembly, which defined Serbian national interests in the 21st century.

Unanimous support for our people in Kosovo and Metohija was expressed and the terror carried out by Albin Kurti’s regime against the Serbian people was condemned.

All Serbian diaspora representatives have undertaken to work in the countries where they live on spreading the truth and testifying about the crimes against the Serbian people in Kosmet.

At the same time, they will endeavor to ensure peace, security and the right to personal property for Serbs and all other oppressed national communities in the territory under the temporary control of Priština authorities, with each association and individual helping our compatriots in that province as best they can.

This gathering pointed out that the Serbian language, Cyrillic alphabet, our history, culture and tradition were symbols of our people, and the participants pledged to work on preserving and promoting them wherever they live.

They agreed that only an economically strong and stable Serbia could ensure sovereignty and independence, preserve our people in the region and be a guarantor of peace, stability and progress for each of our citizens.

They supported all activities aimed at economic development, accelerated modernization and infrastructure development in Serbia, primarily the Leap into the Future – Serbia 2027 plan, in addition to all other projects leading Serbia to the community of the most developed countries in Europe and the world.

It was said that the themed summer camps project, held for the second consecutive year and organized by the office of the Minister in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, was one of the best mechanisms for achieving this goal.

The conclusions state the necessity for umbrella associations in each country to set priorities in these areas and to apply with specific projects to motherland institutions, which would provide them with assistance.

Source: Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation – Republic of Serbia Government – RTRS

Photo: Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation