The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region met at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia with Rado Savić, the Mayor of the Republic of Srpska Municipality of Lopare.

The Mayor informed the Director about the success of the existing cooperation between Lopare municipality and the diaspora. Considering the fact that a large portion of this municipality’s pre-war population is in the diaspora and that many of them have achieved significant economic success abroad, the leadership of Lopare has made special efforts in the field of restoring mutual trust and attracting small and medium investment projects from the diaspora.

Savić presented many previous investment projects that had been launched with investors from abroad ranging from orchards, through town swimming pool free of charge for children, to the production of radiators and even parts for yachts.

Gouillon did not hide his satisfaction with what he had seen, stressing that there was a lot of room for cooperation between the Directorate and this local self-government from Majevica. After the meeting, he announced that the Directorate would support the organization of one of the largest diaspora events in the Republic of Srpska – Diaspora Days in Lopare, held every year in the last week of July. At the invitation of the municipal leadership to be their special guest in Lopare in the summer, Gouillon expressed his desire to visit this region already within a few months.

Source and photo: Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region