BiH Consul General in Stuttgart Vera Sajić attended today in Heilbronn near Stuttgart the opening of the Vidovdan Children’s Sports Games, which gathered about a thousand participating children, students of Serbian supplementary schools in the Baden Württemberg state.

- I want the children to remember the message that knowledge is power and that no one can take it away from you. These gatherings connect us, they remind us of who we are and of importance of togetherness, belonging to one’s race, and to keep from oblivion all our values, traditions and culture - said Sajić.

The Vidovdan Children’s Sports Games were opened by the minister without portfolio in the Serbian Government in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević.

He said that this event, organized by the Consulate General of Serbia in Stuttgart in cooperation with Serbian supplementary school teachers, had a very important role in the lives of children living abroad.

- It is important, children, that wherever you live, you cherish your roots and culture, and cheer for Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, that you always remember that we are one nation and that the Drina River is not a border that separates us, but a backbone that unites us - stated Milićević.

He said that he was proud of the fact that children studied hard the Serbian language, culture and history through the Serbian supplementary school.