The 18th economy and tourism fair opened officially in Derventa. Opening the fair, the Minister of Trade and Tourism, Denis Šulić, said that Derventa, given the number of businessmen, employment rate and exports, bore the epithet of the best city in Srpska to organize such an event.

– Many indicators support this – from the number of registered companies, many foreign companies, to the maximum employment rate. I am glad that Derventa has been organizing the economy and tourism fair for 18 years and wishes to connect the tourist offer through the economy not only of this city, but of the entire region and the entire Republic of Srpska – Šulić said.

He stated that this fair was recognized among businessmen as the one enabling them to establish additional contacts and expand their field of activity.

The Mayor of Derventa, Milorad Simić, noted that it was important that the fair had survived and that the exhibitors kept returning, thus proving its validity.

– Derventa has 901 economic organizations, 216 large companies, 570 craft shops, 113 agricultural producers in the form of farms, we have the highest foreign capital concentration – 33 foreign companies – said Simić.

He added that in the future we should consider changing the name of the fair, because the exhibitors included also agricultural producers and home crafts.

More than a hundred exhibitors from the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of BiH and the region found their place at the fair.

The fair is open from 21 to 23 August.

The novelty of this year’s fair is rich content for children.

Source: RTRS

Photo: City of Derventa